I do not do it. My assistants run it for two hours or so.
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
I generally go from 12-4 on Saturdays, seems that all 4 hours are filled with buyers.
One of the reasons I do a late open house is I want to see as many people as possible and I do them once a month, and every two weeks in peek summer.
Then I just read this article!
If I do an open house, I will maximize my time there and bring along work to do. I have done open house on a home that I know by being open--because of price--will be succesful. I once had an open house where so many people showed up that the fire department arrived and told me that there were to many people in the house for safety! It was an unusual house...but a HUGE success! 10-8pm--no way..but 2-3hours will do in my area!
I want folks to see other folks eyeing the house they may want.
I want folks to see other folks are looking in the same community they are looking in to buy a house.
I want folks to see other folks picking up the 'self-select' promotions.
Depending on the qualifications of the location, I will use different open house models.
I would never consider a 10 to 8 open house, UNLESS I was also painting the interior to make my time more useful.
Normally I hold an open house for 2 hours, however if traffic continues to come in I will stay.
2,3, or 4 hours. It depends on property, time of year. Usually in the Noon to 4pm range. It also depends on the sellers schedule.
Well, I don't particularly do open houses in the first place. But when I do, I limit them to 2 hours. Anyone really interested will come during those hours. Why make yourself available all day? You could hold two or three open houses in that time frame.
That sounds crazy long and crazy to do into the evening. Generally here, they are 2 hours, but I've seen some for 3. Probably the longest I've seen is 4 hrs. They are generally in the afternoons on Sunday all around the same time, so it maximizes traffic.
My Open Houses are 2 hours on a weekend. Usually 12:00pm-2:00pm.
In my opinion, if you have to continually host Open Houses to sell the home, then the house probably needs a price adjustment. I have not had success selling a home through an Open House.
I do 2 hour open houses. Depending on the house I do weekdays during rush hour and it works...
I am the sign guy, I mean I set up usually 20-30 signs and when I do, I am looking for drive up clients this is why such long hours and the home is vacant for long open houses, if not vacent 12-5.
I usually do somewhere in the neighborhood of 12:30-4:30. If people continue to show up after the end time, I stay until traffic dies down if the seller is okay that I do so.
Typically I do an open house for two to three hours. In our market, anything longer would be really excessive.
Joesph Padovich 10-8 is more than a work day!
If I have to do it, it's just couple of hours max and on Sunday!
10 to 8? That is a really long open house. I have done four hours before but never this long.