An agent should not consider doing an open house alone. This is an invitation for calamity. Agents who do so should understand they are demonstrating a lack of good sense and may reap the benefits of showing others this publicly.
Lenders should consider an alternative to babysitting open houses.
Lender keep asking "How can I bring more value to the agent?"
There is opportunity here.
Mike Tizzano
Mesa, AZ
Thanks for all the answers everyone. Literally hours after I posted this question I came across the article showing that a local realtor was groped at her open house. Of course if someone wants to come in and shoot the place up my presence won't stop that but I'd be willing to bet if I or another person were at that open house he wouldn't have pulled what he pulled on her.
I've done this on a few occasions. It's a great way to get to know agents and develop leads. I usually bring water and sandwiches or something sweet. Great way to add value when trying to network with a new realtor. Also, I like seeing the inside layout of houses so, it's fun for me as well.
I like having a lender present. Usually one of us brings bottled water, the other cookies. We require everybody to sign in and we share the list for follow up calls. There is also an agreement that we will try to work as a team with any leads generated if they have not already committed to another lender/Realtor. Aside from the obvious safety points, it's good to have a second set of eyes and ears there, too.
Mike, I have to agree. I don't do open houses very often, but I no longer will do them alone. I just have no interest in being a "sitting duck" and you just never know when you might become one.
Case in point.
I think it is a great idea to have a lender there to answer those questions, as well as being a protector.
Mike Tizzano - it surely is a great idea. It's good for lenders, too.
I did one way back in 2006 with a lender.
I wouldn't mind having a lender along but I think it would be a waste of their time.
I have done this. It worked out great for me, and I was glad to have her company. Open houses are very slow in my market. I haven't done one in years, because they are really a waste of time. In light of recent events, I think it's great to have another person there.
I have co hosted some open houses with some realtors. It gives us a chance to get to know each other better. I offer to co host using some ideas from Tom Ferry.
I think it is an excellent idea to team up and gives extra credibility to the open house and might even get you a client too.
Mike, I prefer to hold a open house with other person, a lender will be a good idea.
WEll, it is OK if the person there doesn't care, but for me another person is a distraction. But, I understand the safety issue. but two people will not stop someone if they are determined to do something. It would be wiser to open a different listing.
With safety concerns these days it is a little risky to be alone. I say the more the merrier! Maybe the lender will fall in love with the home and buy it....I know, I'll keep dreamin!
That's what I was thinking too. I didn't get any leads out of it but I'd still be willing to do it in the future just to help out, especially if they're uncomfortable sitting alone. I could be like a bouncer :) Of course I'm not exactly a big dude.
Like Kevin J. May stated it is a great combination, and the safety factor is important also.
What better pairing could there possibly be Mike Tizzano . No competition just more answers for propspective customers for both of you and a huge safety factor to boot.