I don't think we can Doyle. Roy Kelley, I think it would be instead of linking names to profiles.. the tag would serve the same purpose but would also show members (I'm assuming it's a benefit for members, not for the general public) who-is-who.
Doyle Davison
Huntington Beach, CA
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
I do not understand why you would want to tag someone in a picture.
Doyle Davison
Huntington Beach, CA
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
I'm not tagging so much. Fun is gone from AR. Do they even read this A&Q?
Doyle Davison
Huntington Beach, CA
Not that I am aware of Brian about tagging in a picture on ActiveRain.
Doyle Davison
Huntington Beach, CA
Andrea Bedard - I have daily bad experiences on Facebook with friends tagging me in pictures in which I do not appear.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Andrea Bedard you know when there is a big group of people together in a pic, thats when it's nice because it has the name below or next to the person, it's like oh yea... I remember that face. On facebook you can set it to members only or public, Roy Kelley I think there is a facebook setting that does not allow you to be tagged if I'm not mistaking. I know of some people who do not want to be put on facebook or maybe A/R.