Yelena Tsuladze (Advanced Realty Group,LLC) Real Estate Broker/Owner



Yelena Tsuladze
location_on Morristown, NJ — Advanced Realty Group,LLC
Get to Know Yelena Tsuladze

I was born in Russia, in beautiful city Sankt-Peterbourg (former Leningrad).

America became my country and my home 17 years ago. I am Morris Co. resident for 16 years. 12 years ago real estate sale and marketing became my passion, not only a profession. And even at this difficult time I don't have any doubt about my choice.

"I do what I like and I like what I do".


I am in Real Estate business for 14 years and met so many great people, that I truly can say my life is very interesting. And most of all: I Believe in American Dream!