Steven Ayres (Rocket 55) Services for Real Estate Pros



Steven Ayres
location_on Saint Paul, MN — Rocket 55
Get to Know Steven Ayres

Statistics we work from.  92% of all internet activity is done by 10% of online companies.  Being on the front page of results to searches means four to five times more business than a company on the second page of results.  We have applied this to many industries, but have a place close in our hearts to those scrapping it out in the realty business.  My company is comprised of six employees. We are a Minneapolis Web Design and SEO company but have customers all over the country.  

We originally got started in the business working to help Bruce Peterson, take Agent Office from concept to reality.  I know that Agent Online continues to be a big success and our early participation the was  a achievement for us.


We do SEO. What is SEO? it is the art and science of improving a sites search ranking by implementing a number of changes.  This is a exact process, but can have dramatic results on lead generation and overall revenue.  My spouse is also a realtor, so I like working in the business.  \


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Providing online marketing solutions for the realty industry. We know that when business is tough, it is time to fortify existing marketing efforts..