James Bath, REALTOR® , AHWD® , SRES® ,e-PRO® (Gulf Shores Realty) Real Estate Agent



James Bath
location_on Venice, FL — Gulf Shores Realty
DRE# SL661376
Get to Know James Bath

One's self is a hard judge as to whether one is apart or different from anyone else in this or any other business (a Jim Bath, not a Confucius!)  But, I won't let this space go to waste and leave you in the dark about The Guy In Paradise.  Elsewhere you have access to the keywords of my life from Honolulu and Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941) to my Real Estate currency with Paradise Realty of Venice (Florida).  I do think my background, interests, experiences and successes have made me a well-rounded individual with both depth and breadth. During my college days at the University of California-Davis and University of Wisconsin-Madison, I developed a "Save-The-Planet" lust, that was hard to part with, even when it became obvious that it distracted me from the rigors of basic research on insects and the viruses that they transmit.  So, I have 'painted with smaller brushes' in research and real estate, but conceptually kept the 'broad brush stroking'for my teaching opportunities and counseling my children and grandchildren to 'save' the Planet!

So, 20 years as a student; 22 years as a University Professor, including a 1.5 year stint in the Executive Branch of our Government; and 23 years as a residential remodeler, repairman and maintenance man is a fairly full plate.  My academic excitement was and is in Biology, Entomology, Plant Pathology, Virology and Horticulture. Beats me to what it all adds up, but I can tell you it has been rewarding and mind-fulfilling.  I still wish I could use that "BIG BRUSH" to paint our PLANET all the colors of the rainbow, put sense to the way we utilize resources and do what we need to do to sustain life on EARTH!!!  Yes, when we are out on a property search mission, we will have lots to talk about because I love hearing what others have done in their lives and what they think about all sorts of issues.   Cheers from JIM-IN-PARADISE...I look forward to meeting you and getting the right property for you and yours!


 I do not try to be everything to everybody; I would only be kidding myself and shorting my customers.  I have particular skill in helping people find property that possesses both structural quality and value. I have been fortunate in life to have had hands-on experience in the residential building and repair trades, beginning way back in the mid-50s when I was a Carpenter Apprentice during High School and College summers near Disneyland in Southern California. 

Throughout my career as a University Professor and Administrator, I also kept my tools active in repair of rentals and the building of a garage, a stable and a room addition.  I feel that my teaching, research, extension and administrative experiences gave me the tools with which to be a REALTOR(R) of considerable depth, skill and personal connectives.  My customers have often mentioned that is satisfying to meet a real estate agent who can go way beyond opening the home for a showing.  Yes, I enjoy giving folks all of the detail and assessment that they wish, on the spot.  I try to have everything on hand to answer their every pertinent question!  I also do not hide the ugly stuff, like an aging Air Conditioner, but instead pick up an estimate should one want to replace it. Thoroughness doesn't work for everyone, but for me it is the only way, regardless of consequences.

So, I probably excel on the Buyer Side, where my love for extensive property searching pays benefits for the customer and me.  However, when I work from the Seller's Side the owner also gets an unusual level of effort from me.  Why, you wonder?  Because I use my creative bent to prepare and distribute nifty Listing Reports, Brochures and Flyers.  Plus, I love to do Open Houses, where I meet people from all over this Planet and get the word out about the Guy From Paradise.  In 2009, I sold 2 properties where I was both Listing and Selling Agent, due to my extensive Open House approach to exposing property to potential buyers or their friends, and I repeated that "double" again in 2011 and 2014! Were I much younger, I would surely open up a Brokerage, which would serve as a channel for my craving for activity involving lots of detail, data analysis and fiscal responsibility!

I don't do Income Property, Commercial Property or Vacant Land, but others in my Company pick up the slack there.  However, whenever I say Yes to anyone they get my full attention and effort.  I have always been that way; it makes putting one's head on the pillow at night oh so gratifying!

National Association REALTORS®:

    ****AHWD®...At Home With Diversity

    ****SRES®...Senior Real Estate Specialist

    ****E-PRO®...Internet Real Estate Professional


Florida REALTORS® Honor Society...2011, 12, 13, 14, 15

RPAC...Capital Club 2009 to Present


To serve my customers to the utmost, advanced courses have honed my sensitivity to the needs of Seniors & Human Diversity and my skill on the Internet. I enjoy finding that home of Value & Integrity.