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RAINMAKER 83,283 |
John Jones | ||
location_on Riverside, CA | ||
web John Jones's (jfj3rd) Blog |
Time for another update...
It sure has been awhile since I've updated this profile. A lot has changed since I last updated this so here goes...
I'm still in Southern California and have pretty much settled to calling it home. Its amazing how when I go back to visit family in Northern California and feel home sick after awhile for Riverside... it must be the many many more dining options we have in So Cal!
Jen and I now have two children, one is four years old and the other is going on two and a half months old. Both are beautiful little boys and our oldest one is going to be the brains in the family we've decided which is impressive to say given our own education and smarts. I'm personally interested in having three children with the hopes of the third being a little girl but both are completely out of my hands and up to Jen and God.
A little about me professionally... I first came into the real estate industry in 2005 but even before that I worked within the vacation rental industry and dabbled in the property management side of the business. My career outside of working in kitchens in my younger years seems to be geared around properties of one type or another.
Today I'm employed by Link U Systems which provides web design and marketing services to local business owners. My responsibilities include product fulfillment and development for the marketing division.
John F. Jones III
In 1997 I finally paid off my very first computer. I had started surfing the Internet with and just a year before when I was invited to play simple games on a friends computer. I was never a computer nerd or a techy but I sure enjoyed those games and finding more! Moving forward...
I was tought HTML by three of my closest friends. They thought I was a natural at it and convinced the local Community College instructor into letting me skip right into Advanced HTML with Java Script. I received an F! I wasn't ready at the time for Java Script therefore I got lost real early in the class.
I've never stopped doing HTML and before you knew it my best friend and I striked it rich with our very first client who paid us $800.00 for a website made out of only HTML. I've now done something none of my three friends were able to do... make money building websites.
To this day I still make money from building websites but I've advanced in so many aspects. For one I don't do any of the actuall design work. I am not graphically inclined and because of this I find it far better to hire someone to build any site I want built.
For the past 5 - 6 years I have been studying and involving myself in the art of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). My first three years were crash course years for a small vacation rental company in South Lake Tahoe where I spent most of my life at. Upon moving to Riverside I was estatic that I had found an SEO job within a somewhat similar industry.
For those of you who know me, you are probably my clients and I am your Marketing Consultant. Welcome to, I will try to be an active part of your efforts within this blogging community. Blogging is an extremely powerful resourse for both Search Engine Ranking purposes and building a STRONG returning visitor base to your website. You will find that through blogging you will establish partnerships and receive useful tips, advice and suggestions as well as referrals from other agents once in awhile.
I've worked with hundreds of real estate agents over the last seven years to help them improve traffic to their website, generate leads and help with various marketing strategies.