Product Details
Contact name
Angie HIcks
Product Description
This is a place where clients can read reviews and leave reviews for contractors, inspectors, doctors, real estate agents and many other professionals. They will then choose their preferred company(ies) bases on reading the revierws.
As a contractor or real estate agent, you have a choice of being on there for free, becoming a regular member for a small annual fee (so you can leave reviews and read reviews) as well as the option to become a paid advertiser on there.
This has been my largest lead source (as a contractor) and it continues to rapidly grow each year.
As a contractor or real estate agent, you have a choice of being on there for free, becoming a regular member for a small annual fee (so you can leave reviews and read reviews) as well as the option to become a paid advertiser on there.
This has been my largest lead source (as a contractor) and it continues to rapidly grow each year.

Free is the extent you should go...
Submitted on 08/27/2017
I know many of us use Angie's List to find out professionals or services. I do the same, too.
Overall, Angie's List is a good site for finding out such professionals - as long as you are a FREE member. I'd say, perhaps this is a refined version of CraigsList for consumers. The difference is - reviews on Angie's List f...
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Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers
Contact User
Real Estate Agent
671 Reviews
Scottsdale, AZ
74 % Positive Feedback
Another good resource
Submitted on 01/11/2017
"This Online Solution Provides:
Real Results, Real People
Our certified verification process eliminates anonymous reviews on Angie's List, giving you trusted, more credible info to make the right choice.
Number Two – Background Checks
Background Checks
Our Angie's List Super Service Award winning providers, as w...
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Diane Daley
Contact User
Real Estate Broker/Owner
12 Reviews
Northumberland, NH
100 % Positive Feedback
Angie's list
Submitted on 09/28/2015
I have used angie's list to check on new companies I hear of or to find a service provider when I don't know who to call. It is very well done and offers lots of options most of the time. out area does not have as many options as other area would but I am glad it exists and that I can refer to it when I need.

Virtual Realty Consultants
Contact User
Industry Observer
4 Reviews
Wellesley, MA
100 % Positive Feedback
Not so unbiased
Submitted on 06/08/2015
Angieslist isn't the only name in the game anymore. It is expensive and quite frankly one trusted vendor can often provide you with the names of other quality vendors that you can contact in other lines of business - especially when you are looking for things related to real estate. Also, for things like contractors ...
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site review
Submitted on 05/24/2014
Jump over to their webpages and see for yourself. I do this before I commit to any product or resource. You should too. And I like to return a few months later and see what's changed because the ever-changing state of the business is so metamorphic. See if you can find any client testimonials to go along with it.

When You Have to Refer a Contractor
Submitted on 01/03/2014
Angie's list has solved a huge problem when a client asks me to refer contractors for anything form carpentry work to plumbing to chimney re-lining. Good contractors can always go bad, and if they do it reflects on whoever has recommended them. So I go to Angie's List and get their top three picks - or I give a subsc...
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Phenomenal lead source for contractors
Submitted on 12/11/2013
This is one of the best lead sources I've found as a contractor (outside of repeat customers). If you are a contractor (e.g. GC, handyman, painter, plumber, electrician, decorator) you need to check this out. It probably works well for inspectors too.
The leads I get from here are top notch. I tend to find my b...
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