
Getting Started in Commercial Real Estate - 10 Step Program to Success!
Product Details
Contact name
Pat O'Connor
Product Description
A primer to help residential real estate licensees transition to commercial real estate. The book is available for sale on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle versions.

All-in-one! A School, A Company and A Group
Submitted on 09/10/2018
All-in-one! A School, A Company and A Group. Veritas Group wears lots of hats. One of the reasons I am attracted to this company is - training for commercial real estate. Though I could find only the following (and it does not include commercial part) ----- The Veritas Real Estate Group is a licensed Florida real estat...
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Commercial classes for now.
Submitted on 07/21/2018
As I review the training part of this Real Estate School - Veritas group, I was disappointed to see that there are not any offer from any of the classes. In fact, this is true only for real estate salesperson.
One should discuss this with the owners who finally will take the decision of regular classes (about resident...
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PArt 3 - Distress Property Owners
Submitted on 01/30/2018
This is the 3rd place where Veritas Real Estate group helps.
Apart from residential and investors, they also 'teach' the consumers on how to proceed with short sale or foreclosure if any.
As per them -
Are you facing the possibility of a foreclosure and want to know more about your options? The federal gover...
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Learning Always Helps!
Submitted on 06/04/2017
I can simply say, any learning lesson is always a boost to your career and life! Yes so true!
For some reason, I used to think that this is a local company. Based on the name, I think I do receive their emails on my account.
The effect is two-fold. I learn from the webinars as well as Continuing Education credit from...
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Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers
Contact User
Real Estate Agent
671 Reviews
Scottsdale, AZ
74 % Positive Feedback
Submitted on 01/20/2017
Product title promotes commercial real estate training - but - when visiting their website there is no mention that I, or another reviewer could find. Quote: "Veritas Group wears lots of hats. One of the reasons I am attracted to this company is - training for commercial real estate. Though I could find only the follo...
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A Group, A Company, A School
Submitted on 10/11/2016
Veritas Group wears lots of hats.
One of the reasons I am attracted to this company is - training for commercial real estate.
Though I could find only the following (and it does not include commercial part)
The Veritas Real Estate Group is a licensed Florida real estate school and we currently offer low-price...
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A step by step procedure to get into Commercial from Residential Real Estate
Submitted on 06/17/2015
It is designed to take someone from selling residential to selling commercial real estate.
By following the ten step plan(10 chapters), you will learn how to analyze properties and control transactions. The authors are active real estate brokers and recommend vendors and websites that help them be their most produc...
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Veritas Commercial Course
Submitted on 08/25/2013
Veritas' principal broker and manger is Pat O'Conner. Pat has a very impressive list of credentials. She founded her company in 2004 and she's located in Coral Springs, Florida. Veritas is both a licensed real estate school and full service brokerage. Pat teaches the Florida Sales Associate Pre-Licensing course. She wa...
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