Florida Mortgage Loan Originator Exam Study Guide
4700 Bayberry Lane
Product Details
Contact name
Pat O'Connor
Product Description
The text follows the NMLS outline for the Florida component of the SAFE mortgage loan originator exam. The book consists of four chapters, quizzes and one practice final exam. With 165 questions and answers to master, the reader should be well prepared for the Florida exam. Specific topics include:
Florida License Law
Mortgage Guaranty Trust Fund
Loan Originator Rule
Florida Fair Lending Act
Florida Loan Modification Requirements
Florida Homestead Exemption Law
Florida Anti-Coercion Law
Florida Real Estate Transfer Taxes
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
Equal Credit Opportunity Act
Truth-in-Lending Act
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Act
Ability-to-Repay and Qualified Mortgage Rule
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
Fannie Mae and FHA Underwriting
The material has not been reviewed by the NMLS. It is a study guide and not part of an approved 20-hour core course. The author is a former Florida-licensed mortgage broker who passed the national and Florida exams on her first attempt.
Florida License Law
Mortgage Guaranty Trust Fund
Loan Originator Rule
Florida Fair Lending Act
Florida Loan Modification Requirements
Florida Homestead Exemption Law
Florida Anti-Coercion Law
Florida Real Estate Transfer Taxes
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
Equal Credit Opportunity Act
Truth-in-Lending Act
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Act
Ability-to-Repay and Qualified Mortgage Rule
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
Fannie Mae and FHA Underwriting
The material has not been reviewed by the NMLS. It is a study guide and not part of an approved 20-hour core course. The author is a former Florida-licensed mortgage broker who passed the national and Florida exams on her first attempt.

Study Guide For Success!
Submitted on 04/14/2018
Why do we need study guides?
So that we are on the right path - to pass the exam of the Real Estate Salesperson or broker.
There are many companies where we can learn a lot - about our business. For local real estate professionals, this may be a competition but for me - and for many of us - this is a place to learn h...
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Good Study Guide
Submitted on 10/05/2017
There are many companies where we can learn a lot - about our business. For local real estate professionals, this may be a competition but for me - and for many of us - this is a place to learn how to work with our clients - be it buyers or sellers or anyone else. Although I used to receive the drip campaign emails fro...
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Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers
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Real Estate Agent
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Scottsdale, AZ
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Link is slightly confusing
Submitted on 09/19/2017
Going to the link provided for the Florida Mortgage Loan Originator Exam Study Guide you arrive at the website for Veritas Real Estate Group "The Veritas Real Estate Group, Inc. is a full service Fort Lauderdale area real estate brokerage firm offering expertise in residential and commercial real estate since 2004. We ...
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Exam Study Guide
Submitted on 03/27/2014
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