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Members: 1646

Posts: 97458

Founded: 09/09/2009

Welcome to the BananaTUDES Group!


The BananaTudes Group was created for Networking with fellow ActiveRain Professionals,  Sharing your real estate knowledge, Creating awesome relationships- and Enjoying Life to the MAX!


We are a business and networking group AND we appreciate the value of having fun along this journey called life in real estate! Please  post only 2, maybe 3 blogs on the group main page.  Why?  We've had this guideline for years so everyone has an opportunity for their posts to be seen and read.  Don't be a blog hog!


Share Your Real Estate and Life Stories!


No Listings!

No Open Houses!

No Self Promotion!

No Politics!

No Whining!


BananaTUDES Moderators

Anna 'Banana' Kruchten - Founder

Kathy Streib

Carol Williams

Beth Atalay

Jeff Dowler

Wayne Martin

Wanda Kubin- Nerdin




Anna "Banana" Kruchten

Real Estate Broker/Owner