
"Respect in the Rain" - The ActiveRain Community Guidelines

Real Estate Agent with Fathom Realty West Sound WA State 52404

I thought it would be a good idea to do a series of articles that walk us through the ActiveRain Community Guidelines. I've encountered a number of members, both new and old, who were unaware that such guidelines even existed.

Earlier today, as I was driving around running some errands, I was thinking about this post, and how I wanted to effectively communicate with our members. Then, suddenly, I thought of that scene in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" where Ben Stein is taking class attendance. "Bueller? Bueller?"....remember that scene? Trying to cover such material can tend to be rather daunting. I don't want what I write here to be dull and boring, or make any of you skip class! 

When you go to the ActiveRain HomePage, down at the bottom of the page, in the gray bar, you'll find the link "About." Click on that, and you will find the link to the ActiveRain Community Guidelines.

Here's how it starts off:

Respect the Real Estate Industry 

"ActiveRain is a place where real estate professionals can network with their peers and discuss industry insider topics. It is also a public forum where consumers can pull back the curtain and see what the real estate industry is really about."

The very first word in our community guidelines is the word "RESPECT." How appropriate that is should begin there. It seems like most everything that follows in these guidelines is built on a foundation of mutual respect.

Although this is a network for Real Estate Professionals, it is a public forum, and as such, can be accessed by consumers. Much of what we write can and will be seen by the public.

The Guidelines go on to say:

"Because of this level of transparency and openness, ActiveRain members must remain zealous in their quest to represent our industry in as true and professional of a light as possible." 

The utmost Respect then, for our fellow professionals, and for the general public that we faithfully and diligently serve.

Let me state at this point that respect doesn't mean that we necessarily 'agree' on everything. We're a very passionate bunch. We have strong convictions and opinions. And blogging has a reputation for stirring controversy and heated debate. But having mutual respect means that we can 'agree' to 'disagree,' appreciate our differences, and conduct ourselves in a civil manner as true professionals.


Several years ago, I wrote a post entitled, "Give Peace a Chance: Changing the Mood of ActiveRain

This amazing community can only reach it's full potential when we all learn to consistently demonstrate mutual respect for one another. In many ways, our attitudes and actions towards each other here will have greater positive impact on the viewing/reading public than anything we could ever write!

For the next installment in the ActiveRain Community Guideline Series, go HERE.

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Rich Jacobson is a REALTOR® and licensed Broker with Fathom Realty. He's a Crab Hunter, Clam Digger, and Oyster Shucker, skilffuly vanquishing anything in a shell! He is the Social Media Evangelist for Life on the Kitsap Peninsula & The Western Puget Sound in scenic WA State.


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Kristen Correa, Broker
Kristen Correa Real Estate & Reedy Creek Realty Services - Keller, TX
I love coffee & real estate. I am out of coffee!

Rich, awesome. We all need to be reminded, apparently. I would venture to guess well over half the disrespectful things said on here are by people who later regret it or change their mind later, anyway, when they grow up. The rest just forgot to take their meds.

Jun 03, 2010 03:56 AM
Tammy Lankford,
Lane Realty Eatonton, GA Lake Sinclair, Milledgeville, 706-485-9668 - Eatonton, GA
Broker GA Lake Sinclair/Eatonton/Milledgeville

I realize I'm more likely than not the exception, not the rule, but when I signed up for ActiveRain and there was that place you checked to say you read the rules... I actually went and read them and came back and finished signing up.  I can't really imagine people who just check the box and don't read the terms of service all the time.  It would be like signing a real estate contract you haven't read.

Jun 03, 2010 04:25 AM
John Elwell
CENTURY 21 Bill Nye Realty, Inc. - Zephyrhills, FL
You Deserve a Full-Time Agent, Not Reduced Results

Sadly it is a sign of the times and many parents can take the blame for a lot of it. I was a school teacher and administrator for 20 years, and if you think it can get bad in our business, try that career on for size. Changed a lot from 1980 to 2000. The funny thing is that often when I had a disrespectful child, when the parents came to visit the school, they were even WORSE than their offspring. You see why I no longer work in the school system. I put in my 20 years and did my part for the cause :) Is it any wonder that some of this poorly reared children are now out and working in various professions, including ours? Luckily, over the centuries these things swing back and forth. I am just waiting for the pendulum to start moving back the other way again.

Jun 03, 2010 05:13 AM
Gregory Bain
Mezzina Real Estate & Insurance - Little Egg Harbor, NJ
For Homes on the Jersey Shore

Some think RESPECT is earned. The more AR points they have the more RESPECT they think they have earned and should get regardless of what they write. hahahaha

But, I do try to play nice in everyone's sandbox. Things I learned in Kindergarten. Peace.

Jun 03, 2010 06:22 AM
Rebecca Gaujot, Realtor®
Lewisburg, WV
Lewisburg WV, the go to agent for all real estate

You want it, I want it..,.we all want it....and that is, of course, R E S P E C T  :)

Jun 03, 2010 06:29 AM
Rich Jacobson
Fathom Realty West Sound - Poulsbo, WA
Your Kitsap County WA Real Estate Broker

Wow! It's the gift that keeps on giving!

Thanks, Bob! It's nice to know that I made a valued contribution in the Rain....

Jun 03, 2010 07:41 AM
Barbara-Jo Roberts Berberi, MA, PSA, TRC - Greater Clearwater Florida Residential Real Estate Professional
Charles Rutenberg Realty - Clearwater, FL
Palm Harbor, Dunedin, Clearwater, Safety Harbor

I just noticed the comment about fake or bogus profiles and wondered HOW do you check them out to see if they are real??? I guess it can be done in this age of computer technology but I would be clueless on how to do it!

As for RESPECT - now I have the song repeating itself in my head!!!   :-)

Jun 03, 2010 08:08 AM
Karen Kruschka
RE/MAX Executives - Woodbridge, VA
- "My Experience Isn't Expensive - It's PRICELESS"

Rich  I think the guidelines are straightforward and easy to understand  Karen

Jun 03, 2010 10:31 AM
Maureen McCabe
HER Realtors - Columbus, OH
Columbus Ohio Real Estate

Barbara-Jo said   "I just noticed the comment about fake or bogus profiles and wondered HOW do you check them out to see if they are real???"

With licensed people it would be state licensing sites / lists...


Jun 03, 2010 10:44 AM
Marianne Cherico
Interiors by Marianne Cherico - Foxboro, MA
Home Stager -Massachusetts and Rhode Island


I agree with you wholeheartedly. Thank you. It is great that people are candid here but it is wise for professionals not to cross a line! It is always a good idea in business to TRY not to P**** people off- some of these people may be looking to refer YOU! 



Jun 03, 2010 11:59 AM
Laura Coffey
Laura Coffey & Associates - Valencia, CA
Broker Associate

I just realized this was pulled off the shelf, dusted, and put back out there. I guess we need a good reminder over and over again. It's sad this needs to be said but it does.

Jun 03, 2010 01:27 PM
Jason Crouch
Austin Texas Homes, LLC - Austin, TX
Broker - Austin Texas Real Estate (512-796-7653)

WOW!  I remember this post, which is now 29 months old.  :)  Hope you're doing well, buddy.

Jun 03, 2010 04:05 PM
Lori Cain
Own Tulsa - Tulsa, OK
Midtown Tulsa Real Estate Top Producer

Why is it that the SIMPLE rules seem hard for people to understand?

Jun 03, 2010 04:22 PM
"The Lovely Wife" The One And Only TLW.
President-Tutas Towne Realty, Inc. - Kissimmee, FL

Ah Hell Gracious Rich...

If their gonna get that song stuck in their heads then they should at least be able to listen to it :)


Jun 05, 2010 10:38 PM
Dennis Neal
Exp Realty of Southern California, Inc. - Big Bear Lake, CA
Your Home Sold in 21 Days or We Sell It For Free

Repetition is the mother of skill. Thanks for the reminders of what we are all here to accomplish.

Nov 22, 2010 05:24 AM
Fay Kelley
Interdimensional Healing Light - New River, AZ
Alternative Healing With Crystal Energy

Now this is what I'm talking about! .... This sort of dialogue and quality writing will be a contributing piece of our profession becoming viewed as a "real" profession.   Bravo !

Jan 18, 2011 02:14 PM
Fred Strickroot
Fred Strickroot - HomeNet - Tampa Bay Area - 727-478-8997 - Trinity, FL
Tampa Bay Area Homes For Sale

After over 20 years working in the Pasco County, FL, real estate market, I have had to stop and realize that it is time to completely re-invent myself and my company. This is one tough market, but I am so fortunate have come across ActiveRain because reading the posts on the site make me feel reinvigorated. I am busy learning the ropes so I can be the best ActiveRain member I can be. 

May 07, 2011 03:26 AM
Sharon Parisi
United Real Estate Dallas - Dallas, TX
Dallas Homes

Rich, your post and the resulting comments speak volumes about the respect we have for each other.

Jan 22, 2015 02:54 PM
Big Block LPT Realty 858.232.8722 - La Jolla, CA
Coastal San Diego, Veteran's & Retirees Services

Well stated:

"This amazing community can only reach it's full potential when we all learn to consistently demonstrate mutual respect for one another. In many ways, our attitudes and actions towards each other here will have greater positive impact on the viewing/reading public than anything we could ever write!"

Aug 04, 2020 09:09 PM
Laura Cerrano
Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island - Locust Valley, NY
Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher

We are a team out here, mos definitely we are! Let’s keep the energy going into the new year! 2025!

Nov 24, 2024 08:54 PM