Spencer's Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - Hill Asset Management
Over the last few weeks I have been thinking about politics and job creation.  Drlling and exploration in the US creates US jobs, better than avg US Jobs. Whay are the Dems opposed to Job creation? Also we complain about healthcare costs. Healthcare jobs are above average jobs also at all levels....
Just thought that was passed onto me today. if you have closings coming due in the next week or so you might want: If you have any purchases upcoming over the next two weeks, then I would suggest that you go ahead and get the binder for insurance in place. Generally, the insurance companies will ...
I add people as associates so I can read their posts as they are written, or in the sub category they are placed in, or as an individual. Why don't they all show up in my main category I have every associate in or their sub category, but I can get them individually. anyone know the answer?
This morning one of my favorite money managers, Roland Jones at Capital Adviser's in Raleigh, NC sent me his monthly market musings. His outlook on the current situation is long term bullish, but his point for the problem is the insanity of banks selling loans, then taking them back as collateral...
Take a great photo of a home you just sold with your sign in the yard marked "sold". Go to WalMart or another photo store a get some 4.25 x 6 postcards made of the photo ($0.84 ea.). Mail them to other realtors listings that are about expire, prospective buyers, neighbors of the house. Write a sh...
When I logged yesterday to Active Rain my points were 7056. I posted an article to my blog my points updated and my position in SC moved forward. Last night I got online and my points were the same as yesterday morning  and my position was the same. Why is this? What is the use of posting if I re...
Over the weekend I received an e-mail article about the benefits of falling home prices in estate planning. With the current lower values one can transfer a principal residence or vacation home to a Qualified Residential Property Trust (QPRT) and "freeze" the value for estate tax purposes. This m...
  Many of you have read and posted comments on Brian Brady's post Stop Marketing to Tech-Savvy Younger Generation. Some comments took offense at this suggestion. I believe he might be on the mark.      Its not that the 18 to 34 year old demographic won't be buying any houses in the next 7 years. ...
     In the last few years many of my clients have planned new "businesses" for their life after retirement. Sometimes it has been in an entirely new field, others it is a twist on their current profession such as limiting their hours and/or focusing on a specialty inside their field. These thing...
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac: stocks rise, concerns ease. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac shares rose on July 17 and July 18 after falling 60% in the previous five trading days. Though their shares were still down more than 70% for 2008 through the end of last week, the federal government proposal to injec...

Spencer Hill

#1 Financial Planner -- South Carolina
local_phone(843) 355-6024
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