Spencer's Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - Hill Asset Management
I just read an interesting article from last week about how the rules were bent for two Obama advisers mortgages. The article by Jerome Corsi made note of Obama's criticism for Countryside's CEO's compensation while he was hypocritically blind to Fannie Mae compensation. More light needs to be pu...
It is with a sad heart I write you tonight. After having watched the Congress blow a chance at solidifying the credit markets with a free market mechanism (making a market in mortgage backed securities - just like a specialist on the New York Stock Exchange) with their posturing. While they said ...
The FDIC brokers another banking merger.   Technically, this isn't a bank failure ... but technicalities aside, Citigroup's move to buy Wachovia's banking assets Monday morning was engineered by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Once again, the FDIC took "timely actions" to save a lender...
I believe everyone in America should vote out their congressman for being more concerned with politics, than the healthy economy of the US. This afternoon, we had a breakdown in our political system - Pelosi didn't get enough votes from her people - she only needed about 14 more from her people -...
This week's Barron's cover story Making a Mint tells how the misnamed bailout may be actually good for tax payers. It explains the math and the problems that could be encountered if we let the politicians have to much input. One thing that it sresses is that there are so fundamental problems in o...
Today on the Street.com it reported that Wachovia was having merger talks with Citigroup. They have also talked with Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo, and Banco Santander (whom I believe is a 20% shareholder already). What does this mean -- is Wachovia in trouble? Will Charlotte remain the #2 financia...
In a Washington Post op-ed piece today  Bill Gross, CEO of bond fund Giant PIMCO,  addresses how the $700 billion bailout in mortage securities could be beneficial and profitable for taxpayers. Gross is one of the smartest minds in debt securities in the US. Congress should quit their posturing a...
By guest writer Debbie Dragon It is common knowledge that your credit score is one of the main ways in which a lender judges your creditworthiness.  But how much do you really know about credit scores and how they are compiled?  Is what you believe based on fact or myth?  There are plenty of trut...
All of this news about bailouts is distressing. The problem stems from two things a lack of liquidity in mortgaged based securities and a credit crunch on lending against those securuities. The government needs to do 2 things to solve this problem 1) create liquidity in the mortgage backed securi...
Yesterday, I attended a seminar on accelerating depreciation on commercial and investment property with a cost segregation study(CSS). Instead of depreciating the whole building over 39.5 years, you can covert the the non-structural components into 5, 7, and 15 year personal property classificati...

Spencer Hill

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