Dave's Blog

Mortgage and Lending - Signet Mortgage
Real estate locally in Bend, OR can be impacted by the global economies. We are watching the key variables hourly to make sure you will get the best possible interest rates.



We said at the outset of the week that the story would be Jobs, Jobs, and Jobs.  In fact, it was all of that.  The surprise was that the information for February Non-Farm Payroll (NFP) and updates for January were all better than expected.  And even with the improvement that WAS expected from cen...
Here's one we wish was not "up and to the right"!  Thanks Spencer.  Make sure you call me when you are headed to Bend.  -Dave Woodland, Signet Mortgage, 541.318.0888This paper scared me very badly, so as a form of therapy I figured I’d share it with you. Misery loves company, after all. Governmen...
While last week was full of economic news with a big impact on the financial markets, this week is looking to be even bigger.  The theme for the past 5 days was weak economic recovery. This was particularly seen in housing numbers and consumer confidence, both much lower than expected.  Even the ...

Dave Woodland

Your Bend, OR Friendly, Knowledgable Mortgage Professional
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At least weekly, I write about what is happening that may affect interest rates and mortgage-backed securities for the coming days.