Dave's Blog

Mortgage and Lending - Signet Mortgage
Real estate locally in Bend, OR can be impacted by the global economies. We are watching the key variables hourly to make sure you will get the best possible interest rates.



Happy Thanksgiving and I hope your short week is productive and then filled with warm family memories.  Here are some of the key actions we are watching: Washington activity continues to dominate the economic landscape.  The Treasury, Fed and FDIC decided late last night to further back CITI with...
 Well the stock market continues to tumble and surprise with bad news.  Last week I saw something I had never seen before – the targeted price of a stock (GM in this case which makes it all the more unusual) was in an analysts report projected to be $0.00.  That’s right, nothing.  A couple of wee...
Make sure you go to Cheri Smith's blog to see this fascinating observation on comparing the RMV's determined in January to some recent sales prices and the disparity between that ratio at the high end vs. the $200k price range.  I wouldn't have guessed it and would appreciate any theories on why ...
What a historic week this was!  No matter your political leanings, it is a time to push for optimism both internally and with people around you. It is also the beginning of the holiday season and that gives us the chance to pause and be thankful for our many blessings, to come together and suppor...
Fed Week was surrounded with a full-scale shift of funds from Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) into the stock market and elsewhere and with it we saw quite a negative move in bonds and rates.  But it seemed to find a floor after the announcement with a bounce favorable that continues into today. ...

Dave Woodland

Your Bend, OR Friendly, Knowledgable Mortgage Professional
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At least weekly, I write about what is happening that may affect interest rates and mortgage-backed securities for the coming days.