Don't let your dryer start a fire; keep your home safe and sound. Dryer Vent Wizard professionally inspects and cleans clothing dryers for homeowners and in commercially-owned buildings. Poorly maintained dryer vents cause fire hazards and cost substantially more to operate. Why Dryer Vent...
Comments from satisfied customers who fill out postcard survey is evidence of DVW's quality service Redmond, WA-"Homeowners who think its normal for their dryer to take more than one cycle to dry clothes -- think again. Lint accumulation or blockage...
Thru hard work and persistence, Peter Lui achieves a goal to own a business and provide great service to his community Lynnwood, Washington -- Peter Lui, former Sr. Finance Manager, traded his business suit for a logo-ed uniform to own and...
Peter Lui is an asset to his community who enjoys fundraising for charities and educating his customers on dryer vent maintenance and clothes dryer fire prevention Seattle, WA - Greg Longe, co-president of Dryer Vent Wizard (DVW), Dry Clothes, Safe...
The Dryer Vent Wizard knows everything about dryer vents and dryer vent cleaning. Here is more information on the care and maintenance of your clothes dryer vent. Who needs dryer vent cleaning? Commercial laundries Town homes Condominiums Apartments Duplexes Single-family homes Spring and Fall ar...