Why I’m an armed citizen, why I believe (almost) every citizen should be armed. I believe that my personal security, my family, friends, neighbors security, not to forget our states and country’s safety and security depends on each and every one of us taking personal responsibility! Scarey isn’t
Another re-blog. I’ve made some friends in the Rain one of them a great REALTOR® and photographer William Johnson GRI CRS.. I don’t mention e-pro because to me that’s just so basic these days. William is a great promoter of San Diego and it’s amenities. He’s going to go over 1,000,000 Active Rain
I'm going to re-blog this. This information is just to important to get overlooked! Wendy did everyone a great service today. Let me repeat her most important line: " Your lender does not have to agree to a Compromise Sale." I fear all to many Veterans are going to talk to their lender and miss t
Please accept my apologies! I’m pragmatic so it’s lodgical for me to apologize today to all those I’ve offended here on Active Rain, over the last 6 + years. I don’t call individuals names, but I’ve labeled certain practices including minor and gross ignorance in no uncertain terms. If some one e
I wrote most of this in July of 2009, it’s relevant today. There ought to be a law outlawing shooting your Mother! O’ we forget there already is. There ought to be a law outlawing stealing guns! O’ we forget there already is. There ought to be a law forbidding shooting school principalis! O’ we
There is nothing I can say to bring comfort to the victims of this weeks tragedy. We all hurt, every last one of us. Twenty children lost because... The mountebanks start by wipeing away a non-extent tear and then go into a political diatribe. Exploiting the victims when emotions are at a h
Are You To Opinionated For One blog a Day? My redundant opinion. Do you blog over your own blogs? Do you hide your blog? We all do, you know! I have a few subscribers and regular readers, I subscribe to many writers blogs, but my readers can miss some of my considered words of wisdom, as I do the
Thanksgiving the real estate holiday. More than any other day of the year Thanksgiving is centered on homes, on personal real estate. Where we’re from! Where we’re always welcome! Yes, where everyone knows your name! Where family and friends gather! Memories of Thanksgiving always start with
Just because you don’t understand a real estate tool doesn’t make it perverted! Anything can be perverted especially by those who don’t understand it, or have the background to morally implement it. Such is the case of the much maligned more often Forgotten Real Estate The Right Of First Refusa
You too can succeed, but not by complaining! Not by blaming someone else! Not by obfuscating! Not by shucking your duty! There is so much more to residential sales these days than what your Grandparents or even your parents faced. But, remember they said the very same thing! One thing remains the