1031 Exchange Qualified Intermediary

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Services for Real Estate Pros - Exeter 1031 Exchange Services, LLC - President & CEO
Exeter 1031 Exchange Services, LLC, Exeter Reverse 1031 Exchange Services, LLC and Exeter IRA Services, LLC are dedicated to educating and informing real estate investors on the benefits of 1031 Exchanges, 1033 Exchanges, Self-Directed IRAs and Title Holding Trusts so they can make better informed investment decisions. (619) 239-3091.
1031 Exchange WebinarIt's Not Just Another 1031 Exchange Webinar - It's an Interactive Workshop!View all of our seminar programs. Introduction to 1031 Exchanges Webinar This basic 1031 exchange webinar will discuss forward, reverse and improvement (build-to-suit or construction) 1031 exchange tra...
MERRY CHRISTMAS I just wanted to drop by and wish each and every one of you - my fellow ACTIVE RAINERS - a very, very Merry Christmas and a very Happy and Prosperous New Year for 2009.  This has been a very challening 2008, but we have all stuck it out together.  I am very glad that 2008 is comin...
In a recent surprise ruling by the United States Tax Court, the US Tax Court held that the taxpayers could defer the payment of their capital gain taxes through the transfer of appreciated property in exchange for a Private Annuity Trust.  However, the structure in this particular case was differ...
Sell a Company; Pay Capital Gain Taxes Business owners or investors face the daunting problem of dealing with capital gain taxes when they dispose of business interests or company assets, including the sale of real estate.  Their company has probaby grown with all of their hard work over the year...
New Hampshire does not recognize single member limited liability companies for tax deferred exchange purposes.  They treat each single member limited liability company or LLC as a separate and distinct entity for state income taxes.  This can significantly impede the tax deferred exchange transac...
Join us for an informative webinar on buying, holding and selling California real estate using the California Title Holding Trust, or also known as the California Land Trust. The benefits and advantages of acquiring, owning and disposing of California real estate or personal property under a Titl...
Title Holding Trust Webinar Please join us for a Title Holding Trust webinar on the benefits and advantages of acquiring, holding and disposing of California real estate or any personal property in a Title Holding Trust or often referred to as a Land Trust.  Learn how to own California real estat...
We have had a lot of requests for webinars and seminars regarding California Title Holding Trusts, so we have rolled out quite a number of them.  Here is a listing of the upcoming dates and times planned for you so far:  11/11/2008  9:00 to 10:00  Seminar in Irvine, California 11/11/2008  3:00 to...
We have had a lot of requests for webinars and seminars regarding California Title Holding Trusts, so we have rolled out quite a number of them.  Here is a listing of the upcoming dates and times planned for you so far:  11/11/2008  9:00 to 10:00  Seminar in Irvine, California 11/11/2008  3:00 to...
Title Holding Trusts to be Discussed on News and Talk Radio AM 600 KOGO San Diego The pros and cons of buying, holding and selling real estate through a Title Holding Trust or land trust, especially for confidentiality and privacy of ownership, will be discussed by William L. Exeter, president an...

Bill Exeter

1031 Tax-Deferred Exchange Expert
local_phone(619) 239-3091
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