We set-up The 1031 Exchange Group on LinkedIN specifically to help investors, their advisors and other real estate related professionals share ideas, strategies, problems, solutions, failures and successes with each other. You are invited to join if you have any interest in the 1031 Exchange ind
Learn what to invest in today's market. Learn how to balance safety and great returns. Discussion will include top performing REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts), 1031 Tax Deferred Exchanges, stock market strategies for preserving wealth, and using self-directed IRAs. Learn more here
The Gulf Opportunity Zone Act of 2005, generally referred to as the GO Zone Act, provided certain tax incentives, including bonus depreciation, to investors that acquire newly built and qualifying homes within the GO Zone designated areas. GO Zone Deadline Extended The Tax Act enacted at the las
President Obama signed the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2011 (the "Act") into law. This new act has some very favorable income tax planning provisions that benefit owners of real estate assets, and especially for those taxpayers who have always taken
North Carolina Representative Brad Miller (D-NC) who was the House Member that introduced the pending legislation is most concerned about the building industry’s job drain through out the United States. As our contractors and builders through out the country struggle to get banks and other lender
Today's rapidly evolving real estate market provides lots of investment opportunities available for the real estate investor. The opportunities may be fire sales, short sales, foreclosures (Trustee sales) or deeds-in-lieu of foreclosure. In any event, the real estate investor must move quickly to
Clients Confused About What To Do Next in Real Estate? The "Great Recession" has left many of us scratching our heads and wondering what's next? Where do we go from here? How should we reposition our real estate portfolio going forward now that we are emerging from the recession? Should I hang
You are probably asking yourself "why would I even need to think about a 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange if I'm losing my rental property through a short sale transaction?" The answer is an easy one, but its one that many investors going through a short sale on rental property may not be aware of. S
The Reality of the California Real Estate Market:Siftings from the Tea Leaves of a Demographic Guru Our Quarterly Economic and Demographic Trend Webinar Click here to view more webinars in The Exeter EdgeTM Webinar Series. Go To Webinar Registrations Are Required Click here to register for this w
The Internal Revenue Service issued Revenue Procedure 2010-14 on March 5, 2010 that outlines a safe harbor procedure that provides guidance to investors on how to treat and report either a gain or loss due to a failed 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange transaction that resulted from the failure or collap