For individuals with no credit or those who have experienced a negative credit event like divorce or foreclosure, establishing credit history can be a real challenge. Without proper credit, everything from a car loan to an apartment or even a job can be denied. When faced with problem credit, man...
The Federal Reserve Board on Tuesday approved a final rule to protect credit card users from unreasonable late payment and other penalty fees and to require credit card issuers to reconsider interest rate increases imposed since the beginning of last year. "The new rules require that late payment...
Credit repair dispute letters must be drafted carefully! Before drafting your final letter, take a look at a few samples and be sure to include the essential elements. These dispute letters are vital, and how they are worded can mean the difference in whether or not you are successful in gettin...
If you're looking for a loan to expand your business, purchase equipment, buy inventory or simply increase working capital than this post will provide some helpful information. First, before you begin searching for a loan it's worth the time to fully understand the types of loans for small busine...
It happens all the time - clients come to me pile deep in credit card debt. It all started with the new credit card they say. The temptation to shop online was too much and before they knew it they were deep in debt. We'll here are a few tips to help manage credit card spending properly. The fir...
Most people don't understand true business credit. So here is the low-down on how business credit works. Credit profiles are created by 3 business credit bureaus on every business using the business name, address and federal tax identification number (FIN) or the employer identification number (E...
Are you having trouble paying back your federal student loans or you just aren't looking forward to 25 years of monthly payments? Well, according to, you could qualify for the government's Loan Forgiveness program, which cancels all or part of qualifying federal student loans ba...
Everything old is new again. If you live long enough you will see styles come and go. What's in goes out, then comes back again. It seems that true in real estate as well. Conforming Loan Limits Are Above $700,000 Once Again! Conforming mortgages are limited by loan size, based on "typica...
Super Bowl Weekend marked the start of the Spring Buying Season in real estate. Anecdotally, real estate agents will tell you that buyer activity tends to tick higher at this time of the year. Meanwhile, with mortgage rates still trolling near all-time lows and the roll out of the new first-time...
In Mesa, Arizona, Wednesday, the President presented the Homeowner Affordability and Stability plan, a multi-pronged effort to support the housing market. The story made the front page of nearly every newspaper in the country. The president's plan is sweeping: Incent mortgage servicers to work ...