Socially Awkard

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Real Estate Agent - Gold Shield Realty Group
How do you rate yourself as a person able to build business relationships with people you don't know online?



Now may be the time to buy in many parts of the country, but I sell real estate in Riverside and San Diego Counties of California. Homes are selling so cheap that some people are paying cash.  Wow that is so amazing to me.  Where did someone get $260k to pay cash for a home.  Were they saving for...
I am not sure what the local police's take was but from what I could see Halloween night in Murrieta, Ca was lovely.  There were plenty of festival's thrown by the local churches and many parents had block parties.  Murrieta is a nice family oriented neighborhood to live in. I went to the local K...

Veronica Lawrence

Gold Shield "WE Defend your Interests"
smartphone(951) 704-3092
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I heard a term to describe how I feel with this new online networking, ecommerce life style we are living. I just realized I am Online Networking Socially Awkward. I am really trying as I am told ebusiness is the way of the present and future, so in order to survive I need to embrace change and the internet. How much of myself do I reveal to persons first of all I don't know and second of all I don't know what they will do with this information. Thirdly, how do I communicate what I mean in just a few words on a consistent basis? Really challenging and time consuming, huh. The world of business is trying to build things better, faster, cheaper. This includes our relationships. brb instead of be right back and idk instead of I don't know. Don't blink because you may be left behind. Thanks to activerain I will no longer be "socially ackward" What is your experience?