Socially Awkard

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Real Estate Agent - Gold Shield Realty Group
How do you rate yourself as a person able to build business relationships with people you don't know online?



I understand we (government) has extended the tax credit through June of 2010 as long as in contract by April 2010.  True or not true.  Been out of touch with the media today. I hope this will continue to encourage potential home buyers to purchase only if they can truely afford it today and not ...
I have been a realtor for a few months but an agent for 3 years.  I started as a mls agent through a mlm company.  Whats your take on MLS Real Estate Companies, mine is it is as good as your upline. Do you know any sucessful Agent/loan officers?  Or is it best to start off in one direction and th...
Everyone at one point or another chooses to change employers/professions. Why did you choose your current Broker? Was it the training? Was it the commission? Are you commission only, or are there opportunities out there were you can be hourly and commission? I have my license now what???  What sh...
With Buyer's knowing it is a buyer's market, they have taken the term to a whole different level.  Swap-meet (flea market) like.  Have the expectations been over promised and under delivered? Is it realistic for a seller to make repairs, pay closing and participate in a fha/down payment assistant...
Six Credit Repair Secrets    1.Pay down the cards that are maxed out first. By charging more than 50% of your available credit on any one card points are deducted from your credit score.   2. Don't reach your credit limit Your credit use ratio (Total outstanding balance/total credit limit) is one...
The credit industry has really changed in the recent past but there are still a few basics which still apply to keep your good credit in good standing or to help booster your not so good credit.   First - Pay every bill on time. Yeah this may be easier said than done but, there are ways to help t...

Veronica Lawrence

Gold Shield "WE Defend your Interests"
smartphone(951) 704-3092
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I heard a term to describe how I feel with this new online networking, ecommerce life style we are living. I just realized I am Online Networking Socially Awkward. I am really trying as I am told ebusiness is the way of the present and future, so in order to survive I need to embrace change and the internet. How much of myself do I reveal to persons first of all I don't know and second of all I don't know what they will do with this information. Thirdly, how do I communicate what I mean in just a few words on a consistent basis? Really challenging and time consuming, huh. The world of business is trying to build things better, faster, cheaper. This includes our relationships. brb instead of be right back and idk instead of I don't know. Don't blink because you may be left behind. Thanks to activerain I will no longer be "socially ackward" What is your experience?