Kim and Charles Petty's (virtualvisionary2008) Blog

Education & Training - True Freedom Publishing
In real estate, more than anywhere else, time is money and if your strategy is based on flipping properties quickly, then a buyers list is a very important compilation that you need in order to flip a recently-purchased property. You cannot afford to sit with a property after buying it. Here are...
Any investor will tell you the best way to invest in real estate is to buy low and sell high.  The key word is sell.  You can buy any home on the market but if you do not sell it at a profit there is no sense in even trying.  You are in business to make money.  Real estate can make someone quite...
It's OFFICIAL: The traditional barriers that have prevented all but the wealthiest people from profiting with the world's greatest wealth builder - Commercial Real Estate - have been shattered!   After years of hard work, my friend Jason Gilbert has developed and perfected 2 new strategies for in...
Hey check this out... I just found this site that shows you away of getting 1000's of new followerson twitter, I just started using itmyself and its starting to workalready. Thought it might interest you. Charles  
Changing the Way You Advertise On the InternetThe internet offers great opportunities for prospective entrepreneurs. If you want to make extra cash, but you don’t want to quit your current job, then the internet is the place that you will want to go to. Online businesses are continuing to boom to...
You probably already know that eBay has a feedback system for its users. You probably already know a bit about how it works, as well. In case you don’t, I’ll give you a quick primer.The feedback system allows eBay buyers and sellers to leave a rating and comment on the experience that they have w...
Why You Should Start Using Facebook Ads by kim and charles Petty The internet is the hottest place today to earn cash. If you are planning to start an online business, then you first need to know that although the internet will potentially generate a lot of cash for you, it doesn’t mean that you ...
There are a number of places to find things to sell on eBay. The most obvious is, of course, buying items wholesale through the manufacturer, or through a middleman or distributor. Of course, it’s a little bit harder to make a good profit doing things this way, because so many other people will p...
There are many, many ways to set yourself apart from the competition on eBay and get more than your fair share of your market. You need to get a little bit creative and try to put yourself into your buyers’ shoes. What you need to do is absolutely shock your buyers at the level of service you pro...
Everyone would like to get the best possible price for everything they sell on eBay, but not many people really understand what people are actually looking for when they are trying to buy things. You have to put yourself into the buyer’s place. What do you look for?First and foremost, you need ph...

Kim and Charles Petty

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