In the world lots of thing are changed or going to be change. Before three month lots of companies started marketing with social site but now it will going to be change, not totally but little bit. A new effective concept coming in global advertising market. It is latest marketing boom in global ...
One new tools for real estate marketing people and custmor, that is twitter. If you are using twitter i think you have seen lots of real estate servise provider, real estate agents and custmors are playing around twitter. Now twitter is becoming a big marketing tool. Even twitter is not only for...
The booming Indian real estate industry is playing big-big deal. It's a good sign for real estate dealer, but if your dream is make your tomb at prime location in Indian city. Forget about your dream because the real estate price of your dream location is very high. Mumbai is top on the chart aft...
This Blog is only for that person who visited or commented on my Like to buy your dream property on the Moon? Blog. This is answer of my previous blog. So please read carefully. I am also including a news link, where i can got idea for my previous blog. If you are disgusted with the life on eart...
If you want to buy your dream property on earth and you are not getting or you are angry with the life on earth full of human pollution. Now you are free to book for a real estate on the Moon. land on Moon is on sale. You are now free to buy Moon land at a throw away price and build your property...
India is one of the excellent economical growth stories of the 21st century. India is one of the fastest-growing countries in the developing world. India's powerful economic growth, coming from expansion in both services and manufacturing. India expanded in domestic product by around 9.5% in 2007...
The common man can now enter real estate through the newly announced real estate investment trusts by Securities and Exchange Board of India. The alternative way to invest in real estate without physically owning immovable property will soon come true in the New Year. This scheme is a boon for t...
Indian organised retail sector, which attracting numerous players in this sector , with big names like Bharti, Reliance and Aditya Birla trying to establish foothold. Industry estimates predict that the overall size of the retail sector in India is expected to touch US$427 billion by 2010.The Ind...
There are no licenses required to invest in Real Estate, in fact you may have already done so by purchasing a home! Real estate offers a practically unending supply of properties. There are millions of properties on the market, and thousands more become available each day, all over the country.Re...
National Capital Region (NCR) is among the leading choices for people who wish to invest in Indian Real Estate. NCR is a place with a high economic growth, excellent architecture, modern infrastructure, and a booming Real Estate and construction industry. People are making money from property in ...