Last evening and through the early morning hours, Mother Nature    did it's est to keep us awake.Don't get me wrong, I love a nice thunder storm, BUT the damage has been very costly.The biggest is from large branches falling on vehicles and homes.Nothing like a tornado, but still an issue for som...
I know it has been said before...Pets are in danger in the severe  heat.William Feela touches on the subject here.You can't take your pet into a store on most places, so why put them in dangerleaving them in the car?How a little common sense will serve you will.  Read on... It is going to get hot...
william Feela has brought up a great point.My wife used to do    a lot of sales but we never thought about this.I now can see many dangers that need to be thought about when having a sale.Take a read and then think about your next sale a bit more careful. De-clutter we tell our clients. have a sa...
Planning to build is a big step...There are many steps to think about  so many decisions.william feelahas a good outline of some of the major issues.And deciding if the lot or land fits your needs then it is on to the designs.It is not a fast process if done right.think hard about your needs and ...
It is a slogan that has garnered wide use."Minnesota Nice."Sounds a bit funky to some, but it does hold true.The town I live in is smaller yet and Minnesota nice is at the fore front.WE have learned that is takes very little effort most times to e nice to people. More people need to try it! Minne...
William Feela makes some very good points.There is so very little we can do to change the world so we need to concentrate on our own little world.Yes the world will have an influence, bet we can't jump at every little sign of trouble.  That only compounds the issues. In this readers humble opinio...
This is a great blog for people who do not know what to do when an issue comes up.You need to gee comfortable when dealing with your Professionals.If you don't feel good about them or do not trust them with what they have said...Call someone else!  YOu need to feel like you can trust them. Do you...
William Feela Has brought to the forefront one danger  of people selling their home on their own.We here this evey now and again.This time it was material things, but it has been a lot worse.There are many dangers but the one to ones personal safety  is by far the biggest concern.   I got a call ...
William Feela makes some great points about buying your second home. (or 3rd, 4th...).There is a great demand for starter   homes right now in North Branch, Mn and surrounding areas.For those ready or wanting to make a move now is a great time to do so, if the time is right for you. A lot of atte...
I know that sometimes this may work, but William Feela has made some great points.While dad and uncle may be good, are they looking at some issues like they really should.I have heard parents say, "Oh that isn't a big deal".So, take a quick read and take it to heart. With the proper notification ...

Vern Eaton

Realtor 651-674-7449
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