As in any business, we must stay focused on our goals. Without goals, you are like a fish just swimming in the ocean. With clearly thought out and written goals, you are like an arrow seeking a target. 1. Expand your knowledge 2. Selling is not for amateurs 3. Teamwork makes dreams work 4. Adapt
From The Real Estate Center of Texas A & M: 1. Texas is leading the Nation in Economic Recovery 2. Texas' Economy is Big & Getting Bigger 3. Texas' Economy is Profitable 4. Texas' Population is Growing 5. Texas' Economy is International 6. Tax Burden is Less in Texas 7. Texas has affordable Housi
I have been using Visual Tour for a few years. At $30.00 per month & unlimited listings, just wondering if any of you Rainers have better service.
Do you remember back in the late 70's. Energy prices were up and talk of alternative energy was everywhere. No one had even heard of SOLAR PANELS, but some creataive companies & salesman, got busy & sold by cold calling, & door knocking. Now this sound so outdated in todays world. I absolutely ag