Does anybody know exactly what the new Truth in Lending regulations are. I keep hearing rumors and I have seen a few items in print but it all just seems crazy to me. Exactly what is the government doing? I do not see how any of the new regulations help anybody. It seems to only add to the fru
I need some help from my fellow agents. I know there are regulations preventing builders from offering incentives to buyers for using their lender versus another lender but what about bank owned properties? Is there any law or regulation that addresses this issue? An example: Lender ABC forecl
Thankfully the Federal Trade Commission has issued a statement that they are cracking down and investigating many of the so called get rich schemes. This includes the ones that promise people they can get rich buying and selling real estate without using their own money. How many times, as an ag
We have all heard or used the phrase, "Real Estate is Local". I am in 100% agreement on that. After reading a recent article on companies that still manufacture goods in the US and also export to other countries it got me thinking. How local is local when you are talking about the entire world
Just a quick note to all the agents with listings (hopefully everyone). Here in the South is has been unseasonably warm. A quick start to the summer. What does this have to do with real estate and listings? If you list a home and the owners no longer live there, it is best they leave the util
Okay people, snakes don't bother me but this one would make me scream like a little girl. A friend of mine sent me the photo that was taken last week on a golf course in Greer, S.C. . All I know is it is an Eastern Diamond Back Rattle Snake.
Okay, I am usually ranting and raving about something in real estate but tonight is different. As most of you know real estate agents don't truly get to make their own schedules and therefore I do not watch a lot of television. I am a sucker for the talent programs however. You can set your DV
I wrote a blog many moons ago about real estate agent photos. The photos I am referring to are the ones that agents put on their businees cards or mailers. (not photos such as you find on social sites like this one). I recently saw a photo of an agent that I knew and I called her to tell her the
I am assuming that everybody else is like me in that your clients are probably calling like crazy every time they announce a new federal program to help people purchase homes. Tax credit, tax credit as down payment, first time home buyer program, tax credit for any home buyer, etc. The more info
I will keep this quick and simple. Here is your chance to provide input (that will actually get consideration) on what you would like to see from a real estate company as an agent. I own my own company and I am always looking at ways to make it better for my agents. I wish you all could come w