Tiffany Norton's (tnorton) Blog

Education & Training -
I would like to invite you to my 4 hour course regarding Affordable and Fair Housing in MN. This course discussion based course addresses the history and future of affordable housing. Assistance programs and resources available to your current and past clients. What effects the economy has on aff...
....and listen to your gut!In times of chaos, it is natural to be indecisive. Should I go this way or should I do that. Do I stay in the business or do I cut my losses and go back to a previous industry? One day you tell your spouse you are going back to school and then the phone rings and its a ...
Since we work with numbers I thought it would be fun to point out in numerology, that the year 2007, means 2+0+0+7=9. 9 in numerology is the completion of a cycle. 2008 means 2+0+0+8=10. Since you have to keep adding numbers together until you get a single number you take 10 1+0=1. 2008=1 in nume...
I was trying to explain the concept of Ego to my 9 year old daughter. She was upset that she was not picked for a part she wanted in the Christmas play. After struggling with it for awhile I came up with "Ego: The Little Green Man". Ego: The little green man is in side of us and when we lose or f...
The mirror is the center of one of my favorite movies, "Snow White". When the Queen is mirrored in a way she does not like she becomes filled with rage and jealousy. Which leads me to my point...Was I the only one who caught Inside Edition where a male, real estate agent in Florida lost a listing...
Got your attention?I have a tradition that was shared with me by a good friend. Every New Year, make a list of all of the "crap" you don't want to bring in the New Year and on the other side of the paper write down all of the things you DO want in the New Year. Then put it in a fire safe containe...
My mother was my first contact with the world of real estate. She started in the business in 1980 when rates were astronomical and contract for deeds was the only way. She teamed up with another newbie in the business and they started working as a team. My mom was a great buyers agent and her par...
Just in from Wall Street, Countrywide (the countries biggest lender) reports that to stay solven they must borrow against their 1 billion+ credit line to fund opperations. Now I have no idea how much of Countywides portfolio is in sub-prime lending but, I will share with you my experience and als...
I was just reading on the net that yet another major lender is closing its doors and filling for bankruptcy, American Home Mortgage Company. The interesting part is they are NOT a subprime lender, their portfolio consisted of mostly "A" paper loans. If you have a client that is preapproved with a...
I just attended a seminar about Business Appropriate Business Casual with Linda Thomas founder of Powerful Appearance Corporate Image Advisor's. She was excellent in terms of discussing what our clothes say about us and our image. As I sat there, I recalled a "Business Casualty" of my own. I hope...

Tiffany Norton

local_phone(651) 775-6987
smartphone(651) 775-6987
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