THE LAND COMPANY OFFERS THIS OUTSTANDING INVESTMENT: - Over 20,000 GPM of Water - Over 3,000 AF of Water Rights - 2150 Irrigated/3000 Dryland/862 CRP and Native Grassland - Rare opportunity to own all the surface, water, wind,and mineral rights in one package - Located near Dodge City, Kansas - S...
THE LAND COMPANY OFFERS THIS GREAT INVESTMENT: - 15 months out of EQUP PROGRAM - 1680 total acres of land, 1000 WET acres - 6 Irrigation Wells producting 2,400 GPM of Water, Sellers have a permit to drill a 7th well - 353 Acres in CRP, 260 Acres of this has been approved to be put back into a new...
The Land Company has a great farm just outside of Pueblo, Colorado. With 120 acres of land and 120 shares of Bessemer Ditch Water, you can bet that this is a great investment for anyone who sees the power, potential, and security of land and water rights. - Close to Markets, City, Schools - 2 Ho...
Seeds are just amazing things. From a very small shell of all shapes and dimensions comes beautiful and delicious fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and flowers. Healthy seeds, non-GMO seeds, and heirloom seeds are a very important component of preserving agriculture for future generations See...
Agriculture is so important to the future of this great country. There are many issues that ag producers face, whether they have large, medium, or small tracts of land. ALL of us rely upon our farmers and ranchers to eat, and therefore we should all be cognizant of water rights, laws, and issue...
Today I wrote this brief article for our Good American Post Blog because of the very troubling duality of people, when ALL of us should be concerned with our families, communities, and countries, because WE ARE ALL AMERICANS. And we are in this together, in my humble opinion. What does this have...
Just yesterday I picked up another book by Michael Pollan, Food Rules - An Eater's Manual. About two years ago I read Pollan's Omnivore's Dilemma, and was impressed by its detailed catalouging of the true dilemma that we have as omnivores - to find, harvest, and consume food. You can see the...
Last week I was able to go to San Antonio for a conference, and checked out Texas (in the smallest of terms) on the drive down from Southern Colorado. As I passed through many smalller communities and larger towns, it was amazing to see the farms and ranches that were starting to take advantage...
KNOW YOUR FARMER - KNOW YOUR RANCHER Support LOCAL Farmers and Ranchers this year at Farmers' Markets across the State! Now, more than ever, it is so important to support your local farmers and ranchers. Join a CSA (community-supported agriculture), plan which markets you will attend, start yo...
Now, it may seem like a stretch to group all of these together, but in fact, it is all part of the same discussion. Today I have become aware of a bill in the House of Representatives (HR-4289) the Colorado Wilderness Act of 2009, that threatens the ability of hunters and wildlife and habitat ma...