Divorcing couples with a house to sell could loose valuable dollars by putting a listed price in the court order. The real estate market is constanly changing. One minute prices are going up the next they are going down. Using an appraisal or CMA from a month or so ago that values the house at sa...
The Impact of Credit in Divorce Finance While going through a divorce, a credit score might seem like the smallest concern, but a surprise drop can undermine all progress being made toward the resolution of the real estate side of the case. Lenders do not give divorcing spouses special treatment,...
Divorce And The Wrong Listing AgentDivorcing homeowners need to be sure they are hiring the right real estate agent to get their home sold. Hiring the wrong agent could cost time and money, neither of which they want to lose. So what do you do if you hired the wrong agent? Before you can hire a n...
Prince William County 2021 Housing Snap Shot Q2 Homes moved off the market in record time. While the average days on the market was 7 days, some where getting multiple offers the day it was listed. Homes sold in the 2nd Quarter based on area: Manassas City-206 homes sold which is 42% more than la...
Divorce and As-is” in Court Orders Are a ChallengeBy Laurel StarkGetting your client to agree to anything can feel like it requires an act of Congress. When your client vehemently refuses to lift a finger or spend a dime on the house in order to sell it, you may be inclined to tell them they won’...
June 2021 Real Estate Market UpdateJune 2021 started out strong but we are seeing a slight slow down as buyers are getting contract fatig. After writing mulitpal offers and getting beat out, they are not as eager to do it again.  As of  June 29 2021 159 listings Coming Soon  Average sale price ha...
Divorce Listings And Investors - Beware!By Laurel Stark, CEO & Founder, The Ilumni InstituteDivorcing spouses with a house to sell need to ensure they do not fall prey to unscrupulous activities that could cost them tens of thousands of dollars- sometimes more. There is a lot that goes on behind ...
Generational Impact of Covid-19 on Divorce By Laurel Stark, CEO & Founder, The Ilumni InstituteIn a recent consumer report, WGSN shared insights in to how different generations respond to stress such as COVID-19. Gen Zers are leading the way in divorce filings, according to Pew Research Center. B...
Who is on title and why it matters is sometimes over looked. Facts:Husband and wife married 16 years ago. About five years in the marriage they bought a house. In March of 2017, they divorce. Husband remained living in the house, they both are on title to the house, and both remained on the mortg...
Divorce & Capital Gains on Real Property Property values have skyrocketed over the last couple of years in the Gainesville, VA housing market - leaving Uncle Sam to be the fly in the ointment!  First and foremost, disclaimer: I am not an accountant and this shall not be construed as tax advice.  ...

Susan Jacobs CDRE

Gainesville,VA Certified Divorce RealEstate Expert
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