Fort Myers, Florida Investment Real Estate - Mike Cathell (239) 770-6250

Real Estate Broker/Owner - Real Estate Services of SWFL, LLC
Commercial and Investment Property strategies - specializing in Commercial office, multi-family investment units, Commercial short sales and foreclosure options and Bank Note Investing.
Every Realtor has had the same experience.  You spend time arranging for showings, you meet your buyer, you drive across town to the listing and they will not get out of car to look at the house!  Then come the calls from the seller or seller's agent wanting to know why you didn't show the house....
Recently, I read an article by "Forbes.  Using data from and Equifax, they picked the 11 worst housing markets that are losing equity.  Number 2 is Ft. Myers/Cape Coral, FL.  Of course, this drew my attention since this is where I am a Realtor!  I have talked with several people recen...
Hope this helps anyone thinking of buying or selling in SW Florida.  This is the information from April 1, 2010 through April 30, 2010 pulled from Ft. Myers and Ft. Myers Beach Multiple Listing Service.   Zip code 33967 - primarily San Carlos Park, FL: Active Listings:                   217 Pendi...
As I mentioned before, any buyers' market is also a sellers' market.  The most important thing for sellers to do is make your house stand out from the other listings.  This does not mean a complete remodel but just a few well planned changes. Clean it!  Clean it! and when you think you're done, c...
For the first time in many years, the average home square footage is shrinking.  People are downsizing their lifestyle and their homes match.  The cost of owning your own transportation has professionals moving closer to the city.  As you get closer, houses tend to have less square footage or liv...
I am aware of all the figures that say 60% or more of the homes sold are short sales or REO's.  Yes, I am aware that 80%+ of prospects are searching for foreclosures.  But even if we look at just these figures, that still leaves around 20% of the prospects that are not looking or for that matter,...
I signed up for floor time today at my office.  It's voluntary here and several other Realtors are also signing up for blocks of time.  The last two offices I worked with in the past, agents always told me they felt "trapped" doing floor time.  For some agents, being trapped may almost help their...
We have all heard..."in this economy, go back to the basics."   I just had a recent experience I want to share.  I know this transaction is not the norm but it was easy to get back to the basics.  The basics of selling your listings: Step 1: After homeowner called me, I looked the house on the co...
We have all heard..."in this economy, go back to the basics."   I just had a recent experience I want to share.  I know this transaction is not the norm but it was easy to get back to the basics.  The basics of selling your listings: Step 1: After homeowner called me, I looked the house on the co...
Why get ready to sell now?  Baby Boomers are planning for their retirement soon.  For the next several years, Boomers will be retiring to areas other than where they presently live. (If SW Florida, give me a call)  A mistake that is made by many sellers is waiting until they are ready to sell to ...