AR had given us a new feature called "CALLED SHOTS" Suggests posts to be feature, 5 per day and earn points to get a purple button. Thank you Brad and the AR staff:)We have a new feature which I'm sure many of you have already noticed on your "MY HOME" pages. Since we released the new "SUGGEST"...
I AM THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICABy Howard Schnauber I am the flag of the United States of America.My name is "Old Glory".I fly atop the world's tallest buildings.I stand watch in America's halls of justice.I fly majestically over institutions of learning.I stand guard with power in t...
Is it someones birthday ? Are you wondering whose birthday is today, June 29th? QUESS WHO??? "One today is worth two tomorrows." Benjamin Franklin "I , KATHLEEN ANN PACHECO was born in Memori...
JUNE 28, 1969 - JUNE 28, 2010 The 41st Anniversary is indeed a reason for revelry and celebration. Forty-one successful years of marriage is no easy achievement. John William Corbett, from Pawtucket, RI 02960 married me, Kathleen Ann Pacheco, from East Providence, RI 02914 on this day 41...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright photo by Kathleen Ann Pacheco-Corbett, all rights reserved and may not be reproduced without the written permission of Kathleen Ann Pacheco-Corbett, The Buyer's Choice, Lincoln, RI. Permission granted with a li...
HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY Victoria Hann and John Michael Corbett ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright photo by Kathleen Ann Pacheco-Corbett, all rights reserved and may not be reproduced without the written permission of Kathleen Ann Pacheco-Corbett, The ...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright photo by Kathleen Ann Pacheco-Corbett, all rights reserved and may not be reproduced without the written permission of Kathleen Ann Pacheco-Corbett, The Buyer's Choice, Lincoln, RI. Permission granted with a ...
HE'S ALIVE - HE IS RISENAccording to Learn the Bible site "Jesus Christ is higher than the mighty princes, kings and emperors of the earth, higher than heaven or angels, and yet humble and lowly in heart; therefore He is compared to theLily of the Valley, in His exaltations, as God very high; but...
call to action against climate change I want to re-blog this so you do not miss turning off your lights for one hour (5:30-9:30pm) on Earth Hour Saturday, March 27, 2010. I actually signed up yesterday when I read about this on facebook and shared it, too. SPREAD THIS MESSAGE AND SAVE OUR PLANE...
Did you have your corn beef and cabbage today? Did you wear your green? Do you know why we celebrate St Patrick's Day? a fellow AR member Vic Steele has given us a great history that I felt needed to be re-posted. EnjoyHalf the office has plans to go partying tonight...okay, more than half the of...