Your roof can be the second most expensive home repair/replacement you face (the foundation being first). As with most things in life, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Weather allowing, November & December is as good time to perform a roof che
11/28/2012 You can save up to 5% in heating costs for each degree that you lower your thermostat in the 60°F to 70°F range. Wear warm clothing and set the thermostat to 68° (20°C) or lower during the day and evening, health permitting. Set the thermostat to 55° (13°C)
htto:// One thing that brick chimneys, stone chimneys and fireplaces have in common is that eventually most will require some type of maintenance to keep a water tight seal. Leaks into a chimney can cause unsafe heating equipment as well as costly damage to the chimn
htto:// A home is robbed every 14.6 seconds and the average dollar loss per burglary is $2,119, according to statistics just released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. And that's the good news because burglaries were down slightly in 2010 compared to 2009. Sure
11/05/2012 Normal fluctuations of interior walls often cause problems. Wallboard is fastened to the studs of the ceiling and walls and the joints are taped and joined for finishing. Minor cracks in drywall and some nail-pops are normal occurrences. Slight imperfections,
11/05/2012 Set thermostat to 68°F (20°C). Every degree lower in the 60° to 70° range saves up to 5% on heating costs. Wear warm clothing and set thermostat to 68° or lower during the day and evening, health permitting. Set thermostat to 55° (13°C) or off at night or whe
11/05/2012 From Unfortunately, not all home expenses are treated equally for the purpose of determining your home's basis [for tax purposes]. The IRS considers repairs to be part and parcel of home ownership --something that preserves the home's origin
htto:// Associated Content says, “The proper preparation of your home for the cold winter months [that] lie ahead can ensure that your heating bills will be lowered, your home will be protected from storm damage and potential worries will be dispatched. Preparing yo
11/05/2012 Yahoo’s Financially Fit page cautions, “In this economy, you may be tempted to delay or even skip minor home maintenance repairs, cleaning jobs and inspections in your home. But don't be penny-wise and dollar-foolish. That $200 or $300 you save today could re
11/05/2012 Roof says, “There can be many reasons for a leak. Leaks can be the result of poor roof system installation, mechanical damage such as dropped screwdrivers or knives, plugged roof drains, roofing material failure, HVAC problems; the list goes on. The s