Well if you been looking for a iphone you may have decided to head to Walmart to save two bucks. Yes a better deal but the best deal on a iphone can be found right now at AT&T They are selling refurbs 8 gig 3g phones for $99 (black only) and 16 gig for $199 (black or white). I have had several te...
Well folks we know that during this Holiday season some will take advantage.   I just hope that everyone with a retail store will take note and make the necessary changes so it does not happen to them. I understand that the police have a few leads but no arrests have been made so far.   Have a gr...
Hope all is well? Been away for way to long and just starting to get back to blogging. While I enjoy to feature posts that can help us in all aspects of our lives (not just a mortgage) the news today is just to big not to ignore. After a long conference call my company is grearing up for volume w...
Hey Folks! So here we are at the end of summer. While I hope it has been great for everyone I know that several areas (especially today) are having challenges. Now I want to wish the best to everyone down at the Gulf Coast. My prayers and wishes are with you. For folks that will be celebrating La...
Unless you have been living under a rock (or some other areas that AT&T does not reach you have heard and see plenty about the new Iphone. Now I have been experimenting with my iphone for a few weeks and I will say that it is the best cell phone I have ever had (and I have had about every cell ph...
Hey Folks! This one is not about mortgages, rates, FHA, VA, bad credit, good credit, changes in underwriting, declining markets, drops in home prices, big unsold inventory, buyers market, mortgage implode, subprime lending, GFE's, TIL's, points, no-points, credit repair, reverse mortgages, or any...
Hey Folks! As many of you know I live in Central Indiana. A large broker (I will not post name but will let you know that they share a name with a old car company) is doing business with one of my clients and scheduled to close on Monday. The agent just called them to remind them about the "SPECI...
The vine has the best minds in the market. I have a client (friend) that is closing next week. Since Big Ben's talk today we have had a couple of favorable rate adjustments. So here is the question: DO I LOCK OR FLOAT? This is not a fancy post filled with great pictures. Just one that needs some ...
Hey Folks! Well another day, another video. Here we go. Your getting your home ready for a showing and discover that the candle you lit last night dripped over your carpet. You only have a few minutes before the showing, what do you do? After watching this short clip you will learn how to remove ...
Hey Folks! With $4.00 a gallon gas and $3.00 a gallon for milk we all must find ways to save some money. Here is a great one.  Folks with a high-speed Internet connection and the desire/need to make long distance calls you need to check out Skype. Now many have heard and have taken advantage of t...

Tony Grego, 317-663-4173 #1 Trade Association for Alternative Inv

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REISA, the Real Estate Investment Securities Association deals with Alternative Investments. We help members with education, advocacy, and networking. Our members include Sponsors, Due Diligence, Broker Dealers, Registered Reps and more