Just Horsin' Around - Thoughts on Central Texas Real Estate and More

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Real Estate Agent - Bradfield Properties - 532238
A blog about things Texas, about things horsie, about real estate issues, about life in the country, about food, about whatever strikes my fancy pertaining to life, the universe, and everything and, especially, real estate.
  Every year, the ERA Colonial Real Estate office in Georgetown, Texas, has a food drive for The Caring Place, an agency providing assistance for those in need in Williamson County and, thus, often in need itself.        All the agents take a neighborhood and distribute bags to be filled with foo...
  The Kiss   Remember when I posted about it all starting in the Cayman Islands?  And then followed that up some time later with a post about it blossoming in the Cayman Islands?  Well, Monday, my daughter Jess and I were shopping and packing and getting ready all day.  Tuesday, my daughter Jess...
I am on the board of an online group, ForeverMorgans, that is devoted to rescuing Morgans who are headed for slaughter, one at a time.  We rescue Morgans from brokers that purchased them to ship to slaughter.  We're working on getting our non-profit status.  We function through a YahooGroups list...
This great blog by James Quarello illustrates one of the "Duh!" moments of sustainable building and living - think about very simple every day physics (in this case, heat rises) and you can make a big difference. A while back I wrote a blog on the occurrence of air stratification in homes. This i...
My buddy from Active Rain and Facebook, Stephanie Edwards-Musa, wrote this great blog detailing the "green" money-saving possibilities this year.  She did such a wonderful job that I thought it should be shared.Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficiency.  It is all we have heard for ...
You live in the country , or in a small rural town.  You've lived there, with your animals, forever, it seems.  Your small rural town starts growing.  People move in from elsewhere, people who are used to "city ways".  They want this little town that they moved to from the city to become like the...
I read an interesting article on CNN this morning about a woman (granted, the wife of a legislator) in Florida who, through an act of kindness, is doing something on her own to help deal with the current situation we all find ourselves in together.  Chene Thompson is letting Henrietta Hughes and ...
  Terry Graf is a Broker Associate in our ERA Colonial Real Estate office in Georgetown, Texas.  He's just taken the move of joining Active Rain, one of the few agents in our office to get on board the online blogging world, which puts him a jump ahead of most of the rest of the agents in our co...
    I heard on the news last night, and against this morning in the Austin American Statesman, that Preservation Texas has issued a list of 2009's Most Endangered Historic Places.  We don't often think of the impact that history has on who and what and where we are today, but its impact is enormo...
    Some of you read my post some time back called "It All Started In The Cayman Islands".  Well, there's an update. When last we left our young lovers, they were headed for a few months in the Cayman Islands, where Chad would be doing a work/study semester in structural engineering.  No plans w...

Tricia Jumonville

Texas REALTOR , Agent With Horse Sense
local_phone(512) 420-0300
smartphone(512) 423-6466
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A blog about things Texas, about things horsie, about real estate issues, about life in the country, about food, about whatever strikes my fancy pertaining to life, the universe, and everything and, especially, real estate.