REALTOR® GreenFEST 2011 Event Partners with “Concord on the Green” Community Organizations Come Together to Bring Green Alternatives to the Public in New Venue WALNUT CREEK, California—July 18, 2011—Like minded organizations join together to bring to Concord on the Green GREENFEST 2011. The Co
Real Estate Staging Expert, Christine Rae, Featured on CBS as Guest on The Michael E. Gerber Show Christine Rae, author and home staging expert, was recently seen on CBS and other network affiliates across the country as an expert guest on The Michael E. Gerber Show. Orlando, Fla. – July 1, 201
I'm proud to be a CSP for lots of reasons... the quality of the education, the forward thinking about "where the puck is going"... in the industry and then getting their graduates ready for it, the talent and edge the home stagers display in their work and their reputations in the industry, thei
I have been speaking of late at local groups about Green, Sustainable organizations and what's going on locally (which is a lot). My philosphy is that we all have to start where we are... whatever brings us to the awareness that we can do something starting from where we are today. We are all in
Have you ever been asked what your strategy was when you showed a number of homes and why did you show "the one" 4th or 6th or 1st? Somehow the buyer thinks that you are leading them to the home they will choose. When in reality they lead you to the home they will choose. It's all about list
It's all in the attitude and commitment to the process. My process and marketing plan can be golden, amazing and inspired!!! BUT if you, the seller don't commit and do your part, nothing I do will be as effective. My concern is that you are leaving money on the table. YOUR investment is being
Question: I want to know if I can short sale my home and have my friend (parents, boss, ex ) buy it at the lower price so I can get a new loan for a lot less and then live there and/or buy it back later? Answer: Let's address the elephant in the room. Does this question come up? Yes people ta
Gene wrote an incredibly important post about buyer's making purchases during the process of getting a loan on your new home. Literally you could lose the loan...please read and call me if you have questions BEFORE you buy anything. In addition, don't move money from one account to another, don
First, let me say this is a Congrats only post...The purpose of this post is to Congratulate 6 CSP trained stagers who are Finalists in the RESA Home Staging Industry Awards which will be awarded at the January, 2011 RESA Convention. Chris Bird, Sally Weatherley, Jennifer Donovan-Faubert, Nancy