I have recently blogged on the difficulty of getting the deal closed. With great buyers and high credit scores this should be easy and fun! it has not been. We have been asked for things over and over, this is not a short sale. It is a banked owned. The buyers each have ten or more years on the j
I have planned a trip to visit my aunt in Roswell GA. I made plans for a shuttle to pick me up at the airport. I had made the reservations in advance , I thought I better double check on these, they did not have my information down. I got the name from my aunt, who used this company many times wh
2010 New Listings %Diff Prev Year Sales %Diff Prev Year Avg Price Med Price Dollar Vol of Sale %Diff Prev Year January 1657 6.3 545 - 0.9 273,009 212,000 148,790,303 2.0 February 1849 14.8 635 0.6 271,381 220,000 172,327,319 5.4 March 2306 17.7 996 23.7 272,773 227,900 271,682,060 31.6 April 120
It's not enough for you to know how to do something. You want to master the skill and be the best you can at what you are doing, The more you add to your arsenal of tricks the better you will be. You will complete the task more completely and feel better about what you have done. It doesn't matte
In our attempts to get points, contacts, clients, we make many friends with our blogs on Active Rain. I am planning a trip to visit and Aunt in Roswell GA next week and have contacted an Active Rain blogger that I feel connected to. I am hoping he is not too far from where I will be staying. It
Tonight's evening news talked about the foreclosure crises. They stated that the banks are asking, why should we lower the payments for some home owners, when others are stru Tonight's evening news talked about the foreclosure crises. ggling and somehow keeping their payments current? The majori
I started blogging about a year ago. I did not know what to do. I read other blogs, commented on the blogs I read. Active Rain is a work in progress, always learning and moving forward. I read some of the first blogs I posted, and they were not bad, but I did not write as thoroughly as I do now,
I got a great surprise from the support group at Active Rain. We all love to blog, learn and move up with the points. It is obvious with reading the Active Rain blogs and the comments. I received a phone call from Active Rain Support for my outside blog. They really care about us!! I cannot belie
I think I have blogged on this before, I have many home owners calling me and saying, I was in a loan remodification trial program, now I am in foreclosure. I have a story that is true, I have a home owner who contacted me 16 months ago, was in a trial loan modification program, they make sure t
There was an article I read that really surprised me. I had never given this any thought, even though I buy a lot of ink. Changing fonts can save you money. Different fonts require a different amount of space and will change how much ink it takes to print. Century Gothic rather than Arial will sa