I have been wearing the shoes and boots I chose for a long time. I could look stylish and not worry. Recently , I know I just had a birthday, I have had to be careful about what I wear on my feet if I am going to be walking for a long time. I started getting leg cramps and muscle cramps if I wear
I have three buyers right now ready to buy. I have not been able to find them a home. They all want to live in Wellington CO. A wonderful town jut a few miles from Fort Collins. CO. I have called all the people I have sold homes to in Wellington, which is many, to see if they or anyone of their n
Well folks it is getting close to that time of year. We love to shop ,buy more then we need or should and have very special time with our family and close friends. I have started over the last few years of adopting a family. I find them in differnet ways. They are down and out or just don't have
Well I am really on a roll. The words just keep pouring out of my mind. Today is a special day for me. I have had many birthdays but this is the first on that I will celebrate without my mom. The person who has brought me life has passed. Even though it has been a couple of months the thought of
I have been reading posts from you fellow Active Rainers. Be careful what you post future employers might use it against you. Well we are mostly professional people here on Active Rain. I would not think that anyone would post something that would be harmful to themselves. I know I always want to
Well was I surprised when I got into a conversation with some people about the tax credit. They asked me how we Realtors thought that the housing market would be any better in a few years if we keep giving people money to buy houses. I explained most lenders still require a minimum money down and
I had a thought this morning about hope in our day and business life. When I have a tough deal, and there have been lot's lately, I hope for the best, usually the deals work and all my worry is for nothing. It is amazing at how many little things ,that seem so big at the time pop up before a clos
I recently wrote a blog On Active Rain about spending time with my grandchildren. I got some wonderful comments on that one. I think that our Active Rain Group is very family orientaed. I received one comment that really made my head big," You don't look old enough to have 4 grandchildren". That
I am very blessed to live in Northern Colorado. Our seasons are so beautiful. Waiting for the next season is wonderful, I enjoy outdoor activities in all. It is so wonderful to take a client all around when the leaves are turning color in the fall. I especially like my out of town buyers to see a
When doing short sales they are lot's of work. They take time phone calls and patientce. I have been dealing with one that has told me we will get a negotiator soon, My client calls because she got another letter , and they say we are not in short sale but will be in 24 hours since she called I h