Minneapolis & St. Paul Real Estate Blog ~ by Native Minnesotan Teri Eckholm

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Real Estate Agent - Boardman Realty - Minnesota License#90858



First Time Homebuyer Real Estate Word is Appraisal   On a rerun of the TV game show, Cash Cab, a carload of New Yorkers were stumped when asked  to define the acronym, FSBO. This is a term often used in real estate to describe people who sell their home without an agent or "For Sale By Owner". As...
For a quarter you can get a close up view of the Lake Superior harbor and the bridges that connect Duluth Minnesota to Superior Wisconsin. If you turn the viewer around, it appears to be a happy face! The north shore had a record breaking amount of snow this April so is no doubt still snow cover...
      It is often debated, the philosophical question, “which came first, the chicken or the egg?” There are many ways to address that question. (Though my preferred way is to show a lolcat photo of a cat in a chicken hat and avoid the discussion all together.) But really there is no definitive a...
It is hard to miss the media reports this spring that REAL ESTATE is back!  This good news has many Minnesota homeowners thinking about selling. If you will be listing your home on the market this spring, it will take some preparation and repairs.Even though we seem to be in a never-ending winter...
  Though I live about 2 hours south of Duluth, we travel up quite often to see the ships come into the harbor. This was the first time I have witnessed anything quite like this...but then this has not been an ordinary spring for Minnesota. We should have green grass and flowers by now but sadly ...
When I was married we didn't have a fun barcode readers to capture and share our favorite towels, toasters and china patterns but they seem to make life simple for today's bride and groom. But wouldn't it be awesome to point that thing beyond the department store wares and head out to the nearest...

Teri Eckholm

REALTOR Serving Mpls/St Paul North & East Metro
smartphone(651) 336-7073
Contact The Author
Theresa "Teri" Eckholm/Boardman Realty assists Minnesotans to find their way home with helpful tips and quality service. Dedication to customer service has made Teri the REALTOR® of choice for families in Blaine, Forest Lake, Ham Lake, Lino Lakes and Wyoming areas. Licensed in MN.

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