High dynamic range imaging, HDR. Just playing around with it. The photo was taken at dusk and is of the Wabasha bridge which spans the Mississippi River in downtown St. Paul. HDR is a photo processing technique where multiple photos are combined. This photo is made from three photos of the
Another great place to go on a cold day. The fern room is not a good place to take a camera because it is so damp inside. Not a cold damp but a warm damp, which is nice because we have enough cold here in Minnesota. The McNeely Conservatory at Como park is free. They ask for a $2.00 donation.
An unusual photo essay even for me. I did not have to drive far to get the pictures and they are not pretty pictures. They are pictures of dispair, and of urban decay. There are more pictures like this each month. There are currently 1624 registered vacant building in St. Paul, MN. The number go
Downtown St. Paul has about 5 miles of indoor skyways connecting the buildings. In the wonter when it is cold out and I want to go for a walk without freezing I head for the skyways. I only wish I could bring my dog with, she would love it. Walking in doors might not seem like fun but it is. H
If the word "Toy" is involved I am all over it. The picture for the magazine cover is of a Murial in the lobby. A Mosaic of the pictures I have uploaded into Flickr. Check out Flickr toys. The loft is for sale. The price has been reduced to $129,899. Where is this loft? Downtown St. Paul Map
I really enjoyed Inman's real estate connect conference last week. Here are a few of the highlights.Our own Carnac from Connecticut, trying to get a little information from Jonathan Washburn for her next post. Jeff Crobett, AKA Xbroker enjoyed the conversation, and so did I. Watching Linda in
This is a Minnesota thing. The Residential Real Estate Summit, on January 16th, right here in Minnesota at the Earl Brown Heritage Center. Not too late to register and they have put together a great program. They have applied for 4.0 continuing education credits and have put together a nice pr
I did not have time to include Canada in this but will as soon as I have time.Active Rain is about member generated content. Without the content there is no Active Rain. I thought I would take a look at who we are and where we live. The number in, or near each state represents the number of Ac
I want to see that this video get distributed to the widest possible audience. This was just released from Freddie Mac. Very short and well done. A great follow up on My post earlier this week about not talking to strangers.When people's homes are threatened and they become desperate they some
I am very much a consumer advocate, I always have been. Advocacy comes through on my real estate blog as I write posts about buying the wrong home on the rebound and about how it is not always the right time to buy a home. This past year I have spend more time "consulting" with consumers than I