Thank you Donna Forester for reaching out to us. It will be great to meetup again. Fall AR Meetup: Corsicana, Texas Come have lunch with Joni Bailey , Teral McDowell , Donna Foerster and her husband Rich. We would love to see you and visit a spell! I'll be the hostess, so please send me an email
The Creation MuseumPetersburg, KY Located in the greater Cincinnati area across the Ohio River in Northern Kentucky and makes for a fun trip to the local area. The garden outside of the museum is beautiful and zip lines are available for the brave-at-heart. Back in home sweet home Texas, where
Here's some great advice by a fellow Activerain'er Gary Woltal about keeping it safe on the internet. Thanks Gary. There is no question cybercrime is on the upswing. WHY these people who either try to hack our various accounts, steal our credit card or personal information, or install malware or
Gene has a wealth of information to share when it comes to the mortgage of your home. I have always enjoyed not only his intellect but his writing style as well. The UnSung Advantages of the New Mortgage Process “Fear not the unknown. It is a sea of possibilities.” ― Tom AlthouseInaction breeds
Marte shares some sage advice about staying in touch with the people who matter and what better time than Valentine' is the air! According to, more than 62% of Americans celebrate Valentine's Day. With approximately one billion cards sent each year, it is second only to Christ
2016 does have a nice ring to it. There are lots of things to like about the new year namely being it's an election year for our country's next President of the United States. With 2015 ending with lots of hype and poltical talk, I am ready to see how things shape up after February 1st. There are
The Christmas parade. That's right! Little ol' Murphy has added a Christmas parade to its annual Christmas in the Park celebration. The parade will begin at 5 pm today, December 3, 2015 located at the Murphy Municipal Complex, 206 N Murphy Rd.Following the Christmas parade there will be other fam
A big part of homeownership is keeping up with the maintenace. As I write this I am waiting on a repairman to get my air conditioner going again. Here in Texas the days are rather warm in August and into September so having that coolant is a plus. Sometimes home maintenace can be achieved by the
There's more overflowing than this elephant's tub in Texas! After all the abundance of rain in the Collin County local area since the beginning of 2015 Lake Lavon is overflowing! The lake ended 2014 with a water level of less than 50% full. As reported today the lake is 1.25 feet above the full p
Shopping for a new home can be so much fun and exciting. Whether you find yourself out window shopping or surfing the internet don't let all of the glitz and glamour of the new homes cloud your thinking. Knowing what you can afford makes the process of buying that new home all the more enjoyable.