Lehel Szucs's Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - All Seasons Real Estate, Inc. - 01336187
Interesting statistic. The time from last payment to foreclosure sale in judicial states is 761 days, which is six months longer than in non-judicial states.
not much to say really .... here is a good artice that can help those in California tha tneed help and qualify http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2011/nov/08/mortgage-aid-open-more-calif-borrowers/
It seems that NAR is predicting a slightly rosy picture for next year.  Please read the article and let me know what you think and what your predictions are for your particular area. Here is the story I am referring to:  http://www.housingwire.com/2011/11/11/housing-to-gradually-improve-in-2012-n...
The six Democrats and six Republicans that are supposed to be working to slash the government's budget are to have a decision be the 23rd and it is supposed to be voted on by Dec 15.  From what I am reading this is most likely not going to happen.   What will this mean?  I just  read a prediction...
FHA sold over 100,000 homes this year and is set to sell even more next year.  Wow!  This is a very large number.  I imagine the touble is far from over and this trend will continue for at least afew more years.       here is the full article:  http://www.nationalmortgagenews.com/dailybriefing/20...
Good new for those service members that had their homes illegally foreclosed by BofA or Countrywide.  There is a large settlement that will compensate the service members for their loss.   Here is the full article: http://www.nationalmortgagenews.com/nmn_features/servicemembers-boa-foreclosures-p...
In the real estate busines swe all have heard of MERS.  A sysatem the banks use to track the owner of a note without transferring ownership every time it is sold (hope that makes sense). At times it is nearly impossible to figure out who owns the note and or mortgage that our short sellers need t...
There is an interesting artile in HousingWire that talks about the fact that at the current level of foreclosures and foreclosure slaes, FreddieMac will take approximately 15 years to get through the mess.  Ouch! How long will it take FanieMae?   We could be in this mess along time.   here is the...
read this article and post your thoughts when done....   http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/money_co/2011/11/wells-fargo-settles-bid-rigging-case.html   I thought we were way past times when this could happen
It looks like LPS and CoreLogic were sued by the FDIC over some appraisals that they performed on loans that WaMu had.  The court threw out the LPS case and the one against CoreLogioc is still pending. This is interesting because now others than the banks are being sued over large failures.  Who ...

Lehel Szucs

REALTOR of choice
local_phone(626) 339-0697
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