Top 6 Home Design Trends To Watch in 2023Over the past few years, many of us have spent extra time at home—and that means we appreciate the personal design touches that make a house cozy and comfortable more than ever. Some of us have adapted our dwellings in new ways, from creating functional ho...
3502 Spanish King, San Antonio TX Rare Opportunity! Move-In Ready, 2-Story Riposa Vita Home 4 Beds | 3 Full Baths | $249,900 This 2 story, 4-bedroom, 3 full baths and study/office is the perfect home for a Fun-Loving Family. Located in a quiet cul-de-sac with a covered patio and extra d...
Viva Fiesta!!! That is what you hear around San Antonio for 11 days sometime in early April. Exactly what is Fiesta? Well, here is something I found on line that pretty much explains it all: Fiesta San Antonio is traditionally held in the month of April because the Battle of San Jacinto was fo...
Most of us if not all of us have either read about the Alamo, heard about the Alamo, seen pictures of the Alamo or if you are my age, seen the movie with John Wayne about the Alamo.Would you believe San Antonio has other exciting things to do and see? The weather may be a factor if you and hot s...
You don't know what you are missing in FIESTA 2017! It's Fiesta Time There is a saying that says "You don't know what you are missing" that people use quite a bit. Today, we are here to show you exactly what it is that you will be missing if you don't make it on to FIESTA. This is a 10 day ...
Don't Be a Pack Rat: 4 Steps for Quick Garage Organization It's not unusual to go into a garage and wonder how it became a toxic waste dump. Let's face it, the most convenient thing to do is cram anything and everything in there when there's no room for it in the house. Let's get that garage stra...
Maybe you should call San Antonio home. San Antonio is the small town type of city but yet one of the largest in the country. It will take you a little bit of getting used to people being nice, but than again, that is the Texas way. I think the word "friendly" was invented in Texas. If you ...
94% of Young Renters Want to Buy DAILY REAL ESTATE NEWS | THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 Nearly all renters 34 years of age or younger questioned in a new survey from the National Association of REALTORS® say they want to own a home in the future. The survey, Housing Opportunities and Market Experie...
There is a small city named Schertz pretending to be big, right outside San Antonio. So confident is this city that they refer to San Antonio as Schertz’s largest suburb. The city leaders have prepared a State of the City 2014 video that is worth watching. You can view this eight minute vi...
Relocating to San Antonio? San Antonio is recognized as one of the best places to buy real estate, one of the best places to retire, one of the most recession-proof economies, and one of the best places for entry level jobs. For these and many more reasons, coming to our great city is a grove!...