Normally, I use my blog time to talk about the up side of our real estate market and the silver lining in what ever issue we as an industry may be experiencing. This blog differs from that. I don't care if I get any points for it. I just felt led to share this with my AR community to give a li...
As I stated before in a previous blog. The Middle Tennessee Real Estate market is still strong and stable. This, coupled with the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 makes this a perfect time to buy a home. This legislation with all its perks for 1st time homebuyers DOES go away July 1,...
Don't believe everything you hear in the media or read in the newspapers. Contrary to popular opinion, the real estate market in Nashville, Tennessee and the Middle Tennessee area is strong and prices remain stable. Inventory for existing homes is up and certain housing price points are not mov...
Hello world. I'm new to this blogging thing so please be gentle with your comments. I look forward to meeting tons of new people to share my thoughts and aspirations. What a wonderful world we live in.