10 Reasons to List During the Holidays 1. People who look for a home during the Holidays are more serious buyers. The tire-kickers are out at the shopping malls. 2. Serious buyers have fewer houses to choose from during the holidays and less competition means better odds for home sellers. 3. Yo
If you love Queen Anne Victorians, it's hard to beat this Allenhurst home with ocean views. For almost forty years, I've been passing it, hoping to catch a glimpse of the inside one day or better yet, have it come up for sale. ;-) When I see houses with this kind of curb appeal, I wonder why b
Red Bank RiverCenter is looking for a 20 - 25 ft. full Evergreen, preferably Blue Spruce, to use in the business district as Red Bank's Christmas tree for the 2010 Holiday Season. Red Bank has a wonderful holiday atmosphere, with music on the sidewalks and stores with unique items for everyone.
The Fair Haven Educational Foundation's annual fundraisers have become legendary! Join us and walk the red carpet as your favorite celebrity...dead or alive! Great Music, Light Fare, Dancing, Contests, Prizes. Costumes optional - fun mandatory. All proceeds benefit the Fair Haven School District