My mother-in-law Ginnie has passed away for some time now but she was always big on tradtion. Her husband was a Sr. Master Sergeant at Patrick AFB. She liked just the simple tasty basics with a little pumpkin pie for desert. She was a wonderful person and I'm happy that I had the priviledge of be
Woody Allen once said, "I hate nature. It's like one enormous restaurant." I just cleaned my fish tank because somebody ate both of my algae eaters and the tank was getting a little too green. After two hours of cleaning, new filters and a water change, the little devils are happy again. Now I ha
A shrimp boat heading out to sea in rough weather circa 1992 taken with my old Minolta 35mm film camera. The cruise terminals were not even built yet and I could buy a big paper bag full of rock shrimp for $20. It reminds me of the weather we just had as a result of Hurricane Sandy which narrowly
The weather is perfect right now. Low humidity, 80* and sunny! I think that's why the beach is packed every weekend :-) The sea oats in the foreground help to keep beach erosion to a minmum and are protected by Florida law. It's time to have some fun in the the Sunshine State! Homes for
The Canaveral Ocean Racer will take you out to sea with twin diesel engines to view dolphins and have an exciting time on the water. Pictured in the background is Rusty's Seafood and oyster bar which has been a fixture at the Port forever. The early bird specials are great and they have live ente
My Brother Larry, also an avid photographer, took these great photos about two weeks ago in Ontario's Algonquin Park. The fall colors were not quite there yet but the annual spectacle will unfold soon and I'm sure he will have more great pics to share. The 2011 (c) was added in error. It almost
An old friend of the family invited me over to her new home in Suntree on Sunday to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving. Judy Dassinger (pictured in the orange top) has been a Florida Realtor since 1991 and currently works at Re/Max Elite in Melbourne. Her Uncle George owned a car lot in Winona, Onta
The "snowbirds" are about to arrive from up north and will keep the locals entertained with hijinks and traffic jams once again. I wrote this song about an Indiana Dude who just wanted to be a cool surfer and fit in. Ya gotta smile after listening to this tune! This video is best viewed in HD720p
Randall Evan Recknagel and The German Dude, LLC swindled a close friend of mine out of her $40,000 life savings back in Jan. and I have been on his case ever since. The internet is the information highway and in this case, the right people found the right information. About 3 weeks ago, I receive
This year we arrived a little late for the air show, so I had to resort to takiing photos of bikinis and surfers :-) The fly-bys just south of Shepard Park were higher and less frequent than in previous years. The real action took place just south of us at Lori Wilson Park and everyone thinks thi