Sue's Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Windermere Professional Partners
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Gig Harbor Real Estate Activity Summer 2010 vs. Summer 2009   So what happened with Gig Harbor real estate  this summer?  Did prices go up?  Or down?  Did number of sales go up?  Down? Well, actually a little bit of both depending on which of the three summer months (June, July, or August) we're ...
Gig Harbor's Skansie Net Shed has been nominated!  Twenty-five properties in the Seattle/Puget Sound area have been selected to compete for historical preservation grants from American Express and the National Trust for Historic Preservation.  One of the nominees is Gig Harbor's Skansie Net Shed...
Moving Back to Gig Harbor   Lately I've been working with more and more people who are moving back to Gig Harbor after having lived away for a few years.  What they're saying is that they just missed the small town ambience of this waterfront community.  The free outdoor concerts and movies in th...
Tacoma is #1 Best Real Estate Market in 2010 According to MSN Real Estate, Moody's has named Tacoma the city where home prices will peform the best in 2010.  Five cities were chosen - the other four are Memphis, Pittsburgh, Charleston, and Seattle.  That's great news for us in the Puget Sound are...
"I want to buy a bank-owned home in Gig Harbor." This is quite often what current buyers tell me.  Their assumption is that the only "real deal" out there is a home that has gone back to the bank. So let's take a look at home sales last month in Gig Harbor, WA.  Out of 42 single family home sales...
How much do you spend on utility bills?  Do you even know?  The US Dept. of Energy estimates that consumers spend 6-12% of their income on utilities.  Here are some ways to conserve energy - and decrease the amount you spend on electricity, water, and heat bills. 1.  Switch to CFL (compact fluore...
Windy in Gig Harbor! Gig Harbor didn't get a lot of rain this weekend, but it sure was windy.  I can't believe that there are ANY leaves left on the trees.  This photo was taken from the east side of Wollochet Bay, which is typically nice and calm - it's a great area for kayaking, water-skiing, ...
Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol in Gig Harbor! Yesterday while taking advantage of the beautiful day to get some new photos, I started chatting with another "photographer" standing beside me.   We were down at the old ferry landing trying to get the perfect shot of a sailboat making its wa...
Tax Credit Extended! Last President Obama signed a bill which extended and expanded the tax credit, into law. Here are the details: The bill that was to originally expire on November 30, 2009 has been extended through April 30, 2010.  In addition, there will be a tax credit of $6500 for qualified...
Should we buy now? Or just keep renting for awhile? Those are important questions for a lot of folks now. This short video illustrates the pros and cons of homeownership. So if the question "Should we buy now or just keep renting for awhile?" is haunting you, taking a couple minutes to watch this...

Sue Rand

...Helping You Make the Move that's Right for You!
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