Mississippi Home Inspection Blog

Home Inspector - Thornton Safety and Inspection, LLC
February 2014 Home Inspection Newsletter               Compliments of: Thornton Safety and Inspection, LLC601-214-6569www.thorntoninspection.com   Follow this link to access the newsletter:   February HomeHintseNews
Article from HomeHints eNews Compliments of Thornton Safety and Inspection Home inspectors in Jackson MS and serving all of Central Mississippi http://www.thorntoninspection.com   Insulation: How Much to Use     After you have done the obvious to help improve the energy efficiency of your home an...
Thornton Safety and Inspection 601-214-6569 www.thorntoninspection.com   If you are looking to purchase a home that has been vacant and/or doesn't have a regular pest control service, you should be aware of damage that rodents can cause.  Not only can their waste be a health concern, they can sig...
  Thornton Safety and Inspection - Home Inspection Specialist 601-214-6569 Home Inspectors Brandon MS; Jackson MS and all of Central MSwww.thorntoninspection.comSean@thorntoninspection.com     As a home inspector, there are some hazards that I encounter on a regular basis.  Any home owner, especi...
Article from HomeHints eNews Compliments of Thornton Safety and Inspection Home inspectors in Jackson MS and all of Central Mississippi www.thorntoninspection.com     When was the last time you thought about your garage door or its automatic opener? Right, thought so. Like any mechanical system, ...
Thornton Safety and Inspection - Home Inspection Specialist 601-214-6569Home Inspections - Brandon, MS; Jackson, MS and all of Central MSwww.thorntoninspection.comSean@thorntoninspection.com https://www.facebook.com/thorntoninspectionHere are pictures of solid-strand aluminum found during a recen...
Thornton Safety and Inspection, LLCwww.thorntoninspection.comHome Inspectors in Jackson, MS   If you enjoy our blog, please let us know and Like Us on Facebook.   Sometimes the things that we walk by or under every day could be life threatening hazards.  During a recent home inspection in Jackson...
Here are some pictures of a furnace we checked during a recent home inspection. We used an infrared camera to scan the furnace cabinet and found hotspots on the cabinet in excess of 220 degrees F. This is a good indication that the heat exchanger has failed. This can be a fire hazard but also a s...
  Compliments of Thornton Safety and Inspection www.thorntoninspection.com   We have found quite a few problems from condensation in homes old and new.  Here is a nice article that gives the topic good coverage:   Condensation Inspection   by Nick Gromicko and Rob London   Condensation, also call...
I enjoy watching Sherlock Holmes movies and I enjoy having to do a little detective work during an inspection. This one, however, did not require much deduction. You know there's a problem when you walk into a basement and see this:                                                                 ...

Sean Thornton

local_phone(601) 214-6569
Contact The Author
Residential and commercial property inspections. I am a Licensed Home Inspector and Certified Safety Professional with 15 years of experience in the fire protection and property inspection industries. We offer home inspection services in central Mississippi which includes the cities of Jackson, MS; Brandon, MS; Madison, MS; Hattiesburg, MS; Meridian, MS; Vicksburg, MS and all points in between.