Steve Warrene's Real Estate

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Beautiful pictures are developed from negatives in a dark room... Always remember this when things are going wrong or you don't see a "positive" in the situation your in.So if you see darkness in your life, be reassured that a beautiful picture is being prepared... So when you are in that situat...
If it causes you more pain than happiness, less laughter and more tears... stop doing it.  Make the changes necessary to stop feeling the pain and tears.  Take a few minutes and see in your Minds Eye what is causing the pain and tears...There's no day like today to throw it away... Today is the ...
I think I found the perfect dog's name.  Can you imagine having to tell your friends, parents and kids that you have to walk Naked down the road.  The funny thing would to be telling people you go to church with.  I would like to get into this deeper but I have to go... Time to walk naked down t...
                                                                            NEVER JUDGE It's easy to look at people and make quick judgements about them, their present and their pasts, ( we all do)  but you'd be amazed at the pain and tears a single smile hides. (women are masters at hiding thei...
Seneca Valley School District Real Estate Market (edit/delete) Seneca Valley School District Real Estate Market The Seneca Valley School District is the hottest selling real estate market in the Western PA school zones. Within the lat 6 months there have been 208 houses sold; Between the Price ra...
Seneca Valley School District Real Estate Market The Seneca Valley School District is the hottest selling real estate market in the Western PA school zones.  Within the lat 6 months there have been 208 houses sold; Between the Price ranges of 100,000-150,000 There are 11 currently for sale and 23...
Life is full of new beginnings... Every day in every way is a new beginning. Every day you wake up, it's a new beginning and new beginnings mean new paths to travel.  Are you thankful for the new beginning of today?  Are you going to make today the new beginning of a new start.May this be one of...
If you want to live in a world of peace, encourage kindness. both in yourself and in those around you... In life, we get what we give and if we are angry, possessive, jealous, and carry pain and hate... What do you think you will see most in life?  The same thing.If you are happy, forgiving, tru...
We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and APPRECIATING what we do have.... Think about that for a minute.  If you were able to read that did you recognize and appreciate the fact of being able to see it and read it...
A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one kind word....  words are powerful but not as powerful as action taken.  What is one thing you can do today that you do not normally do that would be a good deed towards another person or group of people?  GOD said that the best people ...

Steve Warrene

Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
local_phone(412) 367-0100
smartphone(724) 968-2639
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